Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Slow Dance

Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast. Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day on the fly?

When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done

Do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast. Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child, We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste

Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch, Let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time to call and say, "hi"

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast. Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.

*This poem was written by a terminally ill girl in a New York Hospital.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Combat That Hangover

Leading Causes of Hangovers
  • Drinking more alcohol than your body can metabolize efficiently causes the toxins in the alcohol to build up in your body. A chemical known as acetaldehyde is an alcohol by-product and is responsible for the severe symptoms of a hangover.
  • The ethanol found in alcohol has a dehydrating effect which is responsible for your raging headache, dry mouth and tiredness.
  • Dark spirits such as red wine, brandy and whiskey contain more congeners (by-products of the process of alcohol fermentation) which increase the symptoms of a hangover. Cheaper spirits are also known to cause a worse hangover because fewer impurities have been removed.
  • Body weight can be a key factor: A smaller body weight usually means a greater hangover.
  • Mixing your drinks is a sure way to become inebriated and lead to a hangover. When you mix your drinks, for instance tequila and whiskey, you are actually mixing the different poisons of the alcohol together. More pressure is then placed on the liver to get rid of the toxins and cleanse the system by flushing them out...causing more dehydration.

To treat a hangover the natural way and cleanse and detox the body of toxins will serve to flush out the system, rejuvenate liver functioning and eliminate bloating.

Water is vital during this time as alcohol dehydrates the body. Migraine headaches from a hangover is also a key indication that you are dehydrated. Drinking water at room temperature will ensure the body to absorb quicker and rehydrate. Water is also an important vehicle to flush the poisonous alcohol toxins out the body, cleansing kidneys and liver. Vitamin C stimulates the liver to breakdown the alcohol. Start at 1,000mg per hr and watch for bowel tolerance as excess amount can lead to diarrhea which you want to avoid as your body needs to hydrate itself. B-vitamins aid in metabolizing carbohydrates (alcohol) and dilating blood vessels. Taking 50-75mg of B-Complex twice daily will also ensure the energy level is restored. Peppermint herb will cool and relax the intestines. As well as remove accumulated gas away from the stomach and intestines. Boil the herb and drink 1-2 cups. Ginger root is also a good agent in soothing and settling down the stomach from feelings of nausea. Take 500mg every few hours or boil root as a tea and drink. Eat a balanced diet comprised of whole grain carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and protein even if you don't have an appetite. Your body needs the essential nutrients like fibre and antioxidants to protect and remove unwanted toxins.

Preventative Care

Before going out for drinks make sure your stomach is not empty. Some starchy foods like bread are best as they slow down the alcohol absorption.

Its always better to drink slowly because less amount of alcohol reaches the brain when consumed slowly.

Do not mix your alcohol. The lighter the shade of alcoholic beverage (ie. white wine over red wine) the lighter the hangover.

Drink water during and before going to bed to avoid dehydration.

Cheers to the New Year and always remember to drink responsibly*

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most frequently diagnosed childhood behavioural disorder. A child that suffers from ADHD is really hyperactive, struggles to focus and acts impulsively. Many children demonstrate this behaviours on occasion, while sufferers of ADHD behave this way continuously. Among children, boys are 3x's more likely than girls to be diagnosed. Parents are left feeling that they have failed at raising their children and desperate. They take their child(ren) to see their family doctor to explain these symptoms. Without treating the cause, they're focused on medicating those symptoms with prescribed drugs like Ritalin.

Ritalin has a structure similar to amphetamines and as such, has an amphetamine-like effect on the nervous system. Stimulants such as Ecstasy, Amphetamines, and Ritalin work by increasing amounts of dopamine in the Frontal Cortex, the area of the brain responsible for both focus (working memory) and reward (pleasure center). These compounds cause indirect stimulation by displacing dopamine from pre-synaptic vesicles. The result is either a massive rush of dopamine flow that can provide intense euphoria (MDMA, Ecstasy) or a more controlled release that assists working memory and attention span (Ritalin). However, due to the fact that the pleasure center of the brain is also located in the frontal cortex, the risk for addiction and potential for abuse is quite substantial. As such, Ritalin and Amphetamines are categorized as Schedule II Controlled Substances in the U.S. These medicines have the highest abuse and dependence potential for drugs with medicinal purposes. Other examples of Schedule II Controlled Substances include Morphine, Demerol, Speed, Opium, and Cocaine. Schedule I Controlled Substances are considered to be LSD and Heroin.

Here's what these children face after being put on Ritalin;

  • if you take Ritalin as a teenager, you may not be hired to work in the US Government in a job that involves state secretes or national security. You can be elected but not hired

  • According to the 2000 US Military Recruitment Manual, you may not join the Army, Airforce, Navy, or Marines if you are on Ritalin because you are a class II drug user. You must get a doctors note saying you've been off for 3yrs

  • Insurance companies can turn you down for pre-existing condition of Attention Deficit or raise your rates as a schedule II drug user.

Natural Preventative Care

Aside from treating symptoms with Schedule II Controlled Substances, we can look at treating the causes. Watch this video for an idea. (right click on link, open new window)

"The fish only knows that it lives in the water, after it is already on the river bank. Without our awareness of another world out there, it would never occur to us to change."

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Art of Making A Goal

It's that time of year again where we consider making New Year's Resolutions. Statistics show that only about 15% of New Year's Resolutions are kept. Another Survey included asking respondents to identify the biggest issue that prevents them from achieving their New Year's Resolutions or goals. The top 3 reasons identified were 33% Procrastinating, 24% Lack of discipline and 19% No game plan. Interestingly enough, 10% of individuals felt the biggest issue that prevents them from achieving their New Year's Resolution or goals was doing it alone. These statistics are not listed to discourage you, however to reflect the importance of planning and achieving a positive outcome.

Goals are usually put in place to help us succeed. It gives a clear vision of where to go, why we should go there and what to expect along the way. Goals also involve change, and people are put off by change and associate it with discomfort (ie. Fitness goal when involving exercise/ dietary changes). We can keep motivated with our goals by asking ourselves some powerful questions like;
  • "Why do you want this change?"
  • "Are you ready for this change?"
  • "Do you know what to expect?"
  • "What are you prepared to do to get it?"
  • "What would have to happen that might stop you from reaching this goal?"

With these questions, we can literally change our minds to do things differently. Change doesn't have to be difficult, it can be quick and lasting. The task is to focus on how we will be when we achieved our outcome, as this gives the unconscious mind a description of where it needs to take us. The nervous system is unable to differentiate between a real and imaginary experience. When we stop giving ourselves a hard time and shift our focus from what is wrong or missing, or what we don't want, to what we do want, we will begin to feel better. The unconscious mind will let go of negative patterns with dead end results, and adapt a new behaviour which matches our "new image". The stronger the connection between our desired outcome and our sense of self the more compelled we will be to achieve it, using questions like;

"How does this outcome relate to my sense of self?"

"What would happen if I got my outcome?"

"Will this outcome enhance my sense of who I am?"

Also, the more clearly thought out and distinctive our goals are, the more actively we will pursue them. An effective tool can be the S.M.A.R.T system:

SPECIFIC - State the goal so that the exact outcome is understood

MEASURABLE - State a goal where success can be measured

ACTION-ORIENTED- State a goal that promotes action towards accomplishment

TIMED - Set an appropriate deadline for meeting the goal

"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." - Pamela Vaull Starr

Monday, December 14, 2009


The fact that prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men, and affects 1 in 6 men, and is a greater threat for those with a family history of the disease is alarming. With heredity factors, prostate cancer can also develop with dietary and environmental factors.

The anatomy of the prostate is divided into three internal zones: the peripheral zone, the transition zone and the central zone.

The peripheral zone is located in the back part of the prostate near the rectum. It contains the majority of the glands in the prostate and is the region where most prostate cancers develop. In younger men, the peripheral zone makes up over half of the prostate.

The transition zone, next to the urethra, is the zone that enlarges with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. Beginning around age 40, the transition zone begins to increase in size and eventually becomes the largest zone of the prostate.
The central zone is involved in the connection of seminal vesicles to the prostate and contains most of the rest of the organs glands.

The prostate has three functions. It produces fluid for semen, which helps move sperm during orgasm; it makes prostate specific antigen (PSA); and it controls urine flow.

Natural Preventative Care

Garlic: Men who eat more foods in the garlic family - especially garlic, scallions, leeks and onions - have significant reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Green Tea: The flavonoids, or polyphenols in green tea are very powerful anti-oxidants that help prevent cell damage. People who drink green tea regularly have less cancer, including prostate cancer.

Maitake mushroom: The maitake D-fraction was tested in a laboratory against hormone refractory prostate cancer (also known as androgen independent prostate cancer). When prostate cancer progresses to this stage, conventional therapy has been ineffective. There was almost complete cell death when the cancer cells were treated with maitake D-fraction.

Milk thistle: Although milk thistle is an important herb for the whole range of liver disease, it may also turn out to be an anti-cancer herb. Silibinin, a component of milk thistle, has been shown to be a strong fighter of prostate cancer cells in test tubes.

Soy: High levels of genestein, an important anti-cancer compound in soy, are associated with low incidence of prostate cancer. This isoflavone in particular, is a strong anti-oxidant that protects cells against damage and inhibit tumor growth.

Turmeric: Turmeric is not only a valuable anti-inflammatory. It also has shown potential value and promise against prostate cancer. This powerful anti-oxidant starves tumor growth and kills cancer cells without harming healthy noncancerous cells around them.

These are some herbs that can contribute to preventative care and maybe even treatment. Always consult a practitioner prior to taking herbs. Another preventative measure is to get the prostate checked annually. Also, with eating a healthy clean diet rich in mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, fibre and essential fatty acids (both omega-3 and omega-6) and protein. Exercises and stretching to relax and loosen the pelvic area is also helpful.

"The greatest wealth is health." -Virgil

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Goji Berry

Goji berry (also known as Wolfberry) have been used for over 5000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). More recently, Goji berry has come to the attention of the Western world, where it's earned recognition as a nutritional superfruit for its richness in anti-oxidants, fibre, protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Packed with nutrients like dietary fibre and carbohydrates, the berries are one of the highest plant sources of protein, containing 19 amino acids essential to the human body. They also contain 4 essential minerals, 15 trace dietary minerals, and 3 main vitamins: vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin B, and vitamin C and E ...and that's not all, the berries also contain polyunsaturated fats, such as linoleic (omega 6) and linolenic (omega 3) acids, and flavonoids. To put it all in perspective, the Goji berry contains as much protein as bee pollen, more beta-carotene than carrots, and amounts of vitamin C comparable to citrus fruits!

The following list's a breakdown of benefits for the included nutrients;
  • Amino acids are easily used by the body to provide energy or to synthesize other molecules
  • Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Sodium help to maintain healthy bones and teeth, balance body fluids, and support muscle and nerve function
  • Trace minerals, including zinc, selenium, chromium, and iron, support immune, eye and thyroid function, have anti-oxidant properties, help to regulate growth, healing appetite and sugar metabolism, and assist with enzyme action
  • Vitamin A supports healthy eyes and bones, and acts as an anti-oxidant. Goji berries are also one of the few foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, pigments which protect the retina by absorbing some of the blue light from the sun that may damage eye tissue
  • The B vitamins increase metabolism rates, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, enhance immune and nervous system function, and promote cell growth and division. Together they also help fight the symptoms and causes of stress, depression, and cardiovascular disease
  • Vitamin C supports enzymatic and metabolic functions, and acts as an anti-oxidant
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids are two of the healthy fats, which actually help to reduce the total amount of fat in the blood, helping to prevent high cholesterol, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases
  • Flavonoids assist the body's anti-oxidant activity by protecting cell membranes. They also contain anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-microbial properties

All of these different nutrients work together to make Goji berries one of the most powerful anti-oxidant foods. Mother Nature created this whole food power house as a means for supplementing the natural way. You are able to find Goji berries and Goji berry juice at most health food stores.

“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.” – Mike Adams

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fitness Fuel and Recovery

Proper nutrition is not just for professional athletes. The nutritional needs of active people that are committed to regular exercise and involved in a busy lifestyle, are also important. We know that the consumption of high-quality food help us perform better and regular exercise improves the body's ability to utilize the nutrients from these foods. Food provides fuel for exercise, as well as essential elements for growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues. Without the right type and amount of fuel, the body cannot perform at its peak. Meeting nutritional needs is a daily challenge as nutrition and physical conditioning go hand in hand.

People can vary in their abilities to tolerate food before exercise, so you will need to experiment with different foods and schedules. Food made up of carbohydrates feed the brain, maintain blood-glucose levels and fuel muscles that contribute to enhancing stamina and endurance. keeping hydrated with water is also of prime importance. People generally do not drink enough water because they usually rely on thirst to determine when and how much to drink. Thirst is not a good indicator, as thirst really indicates slight dehydration.

After a prolonged exercise the body is left depleted of fueled carbohydrate and/or dehydration, leaving you feeling fatigued. Some people argue that consuming carbohydrates immediately after exercise will ensure rapid recovery. Here are some helpful tips for enhancing recovery post-exercise;

Hydration - drink with the next workout in mind. Re-hydrating is a major part of post-exercise recovery.

Carbohydrates - the best tool for refuelling is carbohydrates. Its required to provide energy and refuel muscles and fluids which are most receptive to replacing depleted glycogen storage. It also helps your body begin rebuilding muscles quickly. We should consume carbohydrates before, during and after exercise to maintain performance and replenish exhausted energy reserves.

Protein - intense exercise and sports involve the breakdown of muscle tissue. Workouts that intensify can shock the body and lead to micro-tears in muscle tissue. Amino acids (the building blocks of protein) are key in repairing muscle tissue and advancing muscle development. Consider adding protein along with carbohydrates for nutrition recovery.

Antioxidants - taking an antioxidant supplement may help to destroy free radicals that cause inflammation to stressed muscles.

Also, remember to always stretch your body after exercise to avoid lactic acid build-up. When we truly understand the functions of our body during exercise and the roles the foods play supporting that function, we can easily keep motivated to achieve the fitness goals that we lay out for ourselves. Sharing your goals with friends and family is another way to maintain motivation for achievement.

"Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel" - Napoleon Hill

Sunday, December 6, 2009


This weekend I got to experience a holiday classic...roasted chestnuts! It was my very first time, well at least to my recollection. Delicious open roasted chestnuts served in little paper bags, YUM! The taste was a mix between roasted breadfruit and sweet potatoe..oh so perfect to enjoy on a brisk winter day.

The enjoyable treat had me curious of its nutritional facts, here's what I gathered; they're the only nuts that contain a significant dose of vitamin C (up to 1.7mg), low in fat and contain no cholesterol making them great snacks. They also contain trace minerals like manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Like other nuts chestnuts help prevent heart risk and provides energy. They can be prepared by boiling, roasting or soaking them in wine like they do in Italy..who knew. So t'is the season for truly enjoying a #holidayclassic.

In Joy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

H1N1 Checklist

The flu season and most popular H1N1 flu virus is in full effect. We may even have been directly affected by it, or know someone who has. Prevention is still key and important for protecting ourselves and those around us. Here is a reminder on tips to keep from spreading the virus.

  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and warm water, or use an alcohol-based sanitizer if soap and water are not available

  • cough and sneeze in your arm, not your hand

  • Keep common surfaces and items clean and disinfected

  • Stay home if you are sick

H1N1 flu virus (human swine flu) is a respiratory illness that causes symptoms similar to those of the regular human seasonal flu. The symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breathe

  • Fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius or 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit)

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Lack of appetite

  • Cough

  • Muscle aches

  • Severe headache and sore throat

Some people with H1N1 flu virus have also reported vomiting and diarrhea. If anyone is concerned about their health or well being should contact a health care practitioner to discuss their personal circumstances. The majority of cases to date have been mild. Keep vigilant when applying these tips, plus choosing to eat majority of foods in its natural state and not processed.

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn

Friday, November 20, 2009

Metabolic Boosters

  • Frequent Eating - eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day helps to increase your metabolism
  • Muscle Boosting - resistance training helps shape your body with lean muscles, and continues to burn calories while at rest
  • Aerobic Exercises - cardiovascular training for 30mins, 3x's a week
  • Water - drink half your body weight in ounces (ie. weighing 160lbs would drink 80 ounces)
  • Sleep - body needs 7-8hrs of sleep for optimal function
  • Sauna - try to enjoy time in a sauna 2-3x's per week, 30mins is like running a 5 mile race
  • Cleansing and Detoxification - assists the body to refresh and reset the organs and systems to function efficiently

"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What's Eating You?

This video is pretty enlightening, please take the time to look at it.

Shared courtesy from the beautiful Miss Alicia Keys "tweeting" to the masses with some important info about Americas food industry and farming. It's a real eye-opener, and may even lead you to consider thought about the foods you purchase.

"In today's environment, hoarding knowledge ultimately erodes your power. If you know something very important, the way to get power is by actually sharing it." - Joseph Badaracco

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

• noun (pl. responsibilities) 1 the state or fact of being responsible. 2 the opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization. 3 a thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation.

• verb say or do something in reply or as a reaction.

• noun (pl. abilities) 1 the power or capacity to do something. 2 skill or talent.

I've been thinking about this word lately, responsibility. This word holds meaning to many people. Some more profound than others. Above, I posted the meanings as per Oxford English Dictionary.

The verb respond, is connected to life and what happens. The saying, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." I'll always remember. We have the will to respond to life in a positive manner that agrees with our belief system and can excel us. We can also choose to respond without conscious thought that may lead to a negative outcome. Then with the ability is our given talent we use to respond with.

The point I'm driving is to be conscious and thoughtful with your reaction to life's happenings. This is coming from a humble heart. I make mistakes, and learn to respond differently each time. I am truly thankful and encourage you to never cease on being responsible.

Be Blessed :)

"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations." - Charles R. Swindoll

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Amino Acids

Amino acids are known as the building blocks of protein. In fact, apart from water, amino acids are the most abundant substance in the body, 70% of skin, 80% of muscle, and an amazing 90% of blood. There are 22 amino acids, which 8 are considered "essential". Essential amino acids is what our body requires however cannot synthesize them.

Essential Amino Acids





Two other amino acids, Histidine and Arginine, are essential only for children and possibly seniors. The adult body is able to synthesize them.

Protein is an indispensable nutrient required daily in amounts by everyone. Proteins are required for the growth and development, maintenance and repair of the human body. It's the principal foundation for bone, muscle, blood, connective tissue, organs, skin, hair and teeth. Proteins are also essential for making hormones. The brain itself is composed of one-third protein, and a deficiency can manifest itself in psychological and emotional symptoms. Also, protein deficiency can lead to physical problems like, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness and frequent illness because of compromised immunity.


  • Repairs damaged cells

  • primary source of energy

  • controls processes related to metabolism

  • stimulates the immune system

  • regulates the pH levels

  • includes significant antioxidant properties and activities

  • guards against fatigue and depression


  • Beans, lentils

  • Shelled nuts and seeds

  • Peanut, or nut butter

  • Tofu

  • Eggs

  • Fish, shellfish, poultry, lean meat

  • Isolate whey protein powder

Adult and teens should consume 2-3 servings of protein daily. Children, 1-2 servings. Our body cannot store protein as it does fats and carbohydrates, so a regualr daily intake is neccessary. Atheletes, pregnant or nursing women, and children all have greater protein needs than the average active adult.

"A man may esteem himself happy when that which is his food is also his medicine."
-Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sunny D

It seems that the city is in a state of panic! Concerned citizens line up for hours to get injected, with hope to receive protection from this virus posing threat and disruption to our lives. If only they look up to the Sun and embraces its rays, is one sure way that the immune system can be strengthened and repellent from any foreign virus lurking to destroy. On a sunny day, an estimated 15mins with exposure to the face, arms, hands and back (without sunscreen) is enough to absorb and synthesized into vitamin D. Of course this method is perfect if everyday were sunny.

Supplementing with vitamin D is ideal. Its an easy way to ensure good health through the cold and flu season. Vitamin D has strong antibiotic properties and some studies have indicated that optimal blood levels will prevent the flu far better than a medicinal route (toxic flu shot). The lower the vitamin D blood level, the higher the chance of respiratory tract infections. Commonly, people become sick with colds and flus during the winter. Some physicians suggest supplementing with 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day and even to prevent from the H1N1 (swine) flu. Tests have found no toxicity issues with ongoing supplementing, so it is safe. There have been High Dose Vitamin D Therapies for chronic diseases, up to 50,000 IU daily.

So we can see vitamin D plays more roles to the body other than the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, with functions including the maintenance of healthy bones. Any formula aimed for the immune system should also include vitamin A, beta carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin B6 and zinc.

"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." - Voltaire

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A State of Mind

Lately, the last few posts have been themed with focus on insight. Not only is it a choice to allow health to flow in mind, body and spirit, and also unify ourselves with a sense of holistic well being. I also believe that whatever goals we set to achieve begins with our state of mind.

To simply resolve in thought that change will take place with positive intentions is where the process begins. Believe in yourself, and know that the power of your will is able to achieve anything you desire. So whether the focus is health related or not, aim to receive the best out of that goal. That being said, I'm attaching this poem that you may already be familiar with...

In joy!

A State of Mind

If you think you are beaten, your are
If you think you dare not, you won't,
If you like to win, but don't think you can
It's almost a cinch you won't

If you think you'll lose, you're lost
For out in the world you find,
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in a state of mind

For many a game is lost
Ere even a play is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work is begun

Think big and your deeds will grow
Think small and you'll fall behind
Think that you can and you will
It's all a state of mind

If you think you are out-classed, your are
You've got to think high to rise
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize

Life battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to Boost Your Personal Power and Command of Life

Very interesting arcticle I came across...pass it on.

You are about to read about one of the most effective self-improvement tools ever discovered. This one technique can do more for your mental strength, job performance and overall competence than dozens of self-help books or motivational seminars.

This simple formula eliminates self-criticism, fear and stress. It is applicable to any situation and works every time. You can use it repeatedly without limitation.

L. Ron Hubbard discovered the KRC Triangle in 1960.


"The points are K for KNOWLEDGE, R for RESPONSIBILITY and C for CONTROL."

"It is difficult to be responsible for something or control something unless you have KNOWLEDGE of it."

"It is folly to try to control something or even know something without RESPONSIBILITY."

"It is hard to fully know something or be responsible for something over which you have no CONTROL, otherwise the result can be an overwhelm."

"Little by little one can make anything go right by




"If one sorts out any situation one finds oneself in on this basis, he will generally succeed."

"By inching up each corner of the KRC triangle bit by bit, ignoring the losses and making the wins firm, a being at length discovers his power and command of life." — L. Ron Hubbard

KRC Triangle Application Recommendations

Select a problem and write it down or type it into your computer. Then write or type the answers for each of these five steps.

1. Raise the Knowledge corner.

How can you increase your knowledge about the problem? What do you need to learn about it? What should you study to better understand the problem?

2. Raise the Responsibility corner.

How can you take more ownership for the problem? What parts of the problem are you responsible for? Can you accept responsibility for the parts you did not cause?

3. Raise the Control corner.

What part of the problem can you control? How could you take a little more control for the other parts?

4. Ignore the losses.

If you focus on losses or failures, they get bigger and more overwhelming. You then pull in even more losses. So find ways to ignore these losses.

If ignoring losses is difficult, try writing them down on a sheet of paper and then destroy the paper. Shift your attention. Stop talking or thinking about them. Avoid people who bring them up. Move on.

If you catch yourself dwelling on losses, knock it off. Put your attention elsewhere. Stop talking about losses. And learn to ignore the failures of others as well.

5. Make the wins firm.

What can you do to make your successes firm? How can you solidify them?

Maybe you can write them down or put them on a wall. Keep a record of your wins. Talk about them to everyone you can. Celebrate them.

Also, make a habit of finding and focusing on the wins of others. The more attention you put on success, the more success you get.

Some of your answers to these questions are easy, enjoyable steps. Do those right now! You will see a sudden improvement in the problem.

Then do the tougher steps you wrote. Once you start on them you will find they are not so tough after all.

If following these five steps does not completely solve the problem, repeat the steps until the problem is gone forever.

As well as solving problems for you, these steps will start to bring out the best in you. You will discover a new sense of command over life that you have always had, but never used.

Use the KRC Triangle to release the real powerhouse you know that you are.

"Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough"

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Ripple Effect

Do you want to be a positive influence in the world?
First, get your own life in order. Ground yourself in the single principle so that your behavior is wholesome and effective. If you do that, you will earn respect and be a powerful influence.

If your life works, you influence your family.
If your family works, your family influences the community.
If your community works, your community influences the nation.
If your nation works, your nation influences the world.
If your world works, the ripple effect spreads throughout the cosmos.

Remember that your influence being with you and ripples outward. So be sure that your influence is both potent and wholesome.

How do I know that this works?

All growth spreads outward from a fertile and potent nucleus.
You are a nucleus.

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others" - Pericles

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Healthy Ideas

As a means for planting healthy ideas towards a positive mindset, I would like to share this video that I've received. So now I pay it forward and hope that you can find this just as inspiring as it is for me.

right click to open link and enjoy...

"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Immune Booster

It appears dated to say that we are entering "cold and flu" season, since it seems continuous of the cold and flu virus saturated through all seasons lately. We have to focus on keeping the immune system strong and resilient to feel and look good. In addition to supplementing, make note to eating properly by reducing the intake of processed foods. Consider a health chart to categorize food groups into; fruits & veggies, grains, protein, and fats. A healthy immune system also relies on the amount of stress one endures. Keep it reduced with techniques like relaxation exercises, yoga and meditation.

We can use some additional items to help facilitate our immune system to function well..

Vitamin C : acts as an immuno-stimulant by promoting white blood cell production and antibody responses.

Garlic : when finely chopped, garlic produces a powerful antibacterial known as allicin which can help reduce the risk of a cold by 50 percent

Goldenseal : it helps restore a healthy flow of mucous to stagnant membranes. Goldenseal also contains astringent factors, and by increasing the healthy mucous with its own antibodies may become effective within days of the sniffles.

Echinacea : contains polysaccharides, flavonoids, essential oils, polyacetylenes and alkylamides that act as immune system stimulators, giving the herb antiviral and antibacterial properties. It's also been noted that it has the ability to boost white blood cell movement into affected areas of the body.

Zinc : may be essential for everything from growth to brain functioning, linking this to immune system-related disorders as well as increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Its antioxidant ability and anti-inflammatory properties have since made zinc lozenges a staple for cold and flu sufferers.

Oil of Oregano : contains about 70 percent carvacrol concentration, and also contains thymol. Its effective for cold and flu sufferers, and works best as an early defence before the symptoms kick in full force.


"Despair is most often the offspring of ill-preparedness"
-Don Williams Jr.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wellness is the search for enhanced quality of life, personal growth and potential through positive lifestyle behaviours and attitudes. If we take responsibility for our own health and well being, we can improve our health on a daily basis. There are certain factors that influence our state of wellness. Nutrition, physical activity, stress-coping methods, good relationships and personal career success all affect wellness. Each day we can work towards maximizing our level of health and wellness to live long, full and healthy lives.

The pursuit of health, personal growth and improved quality of life relies on living a balanced life. To achieve balance, we need to care for our mind, body and spirit.

Our minds need intellectual stimulation and growth for challenge. We need to gather emotional strength through personal self-acceptance and self-image, as well as through positive relationships with others. Writing down our dreams and making a plan to achieve them is key. Keeping our thoughts in line with our goals will eventually become tangible.

Our bodies gain strength through physical activity and exercise. If we challenge ourselves physically, our bodies change and evolve positively. To build endurance focuses on our heart, lungs and circulatory system. To build on flexibility targets bending and stretching to keep muscles relaxed and joints mobile. To build on strength addresses muscles and bones and improve posture.

Our spirit within us helps give us purpose in life and assists in motivating us to personal growth. Spirituality helps guide us to respect ourselves and others, display moral and ethical behaviour and demonstrates a belief in a higher power. With mediation and prayer, we can tap into an increased spiritual experience along with tools like faith, belief and hope.

To make subtle changes is easy to avoid the feeling of becoming overwhelmed and stressed. Being patient and kind to ourselves is important as we shift ourselves into a harmonized state of balance.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending" - Maria Robinson

* Can-Fit-Pro PTS

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The saying "you are what you eat" seems to have a profound meaning when it comes to whole foods. With research of nutritional sciences, has discovered that every whole food has a pattern that resembles a body organ or physiological function and that this pattern acts as a signal or sign as to the benefit the food provides the eater. Here is a short list of those foods.

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye...and science shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Eggplant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? .... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Grapefruits, Oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like body cells. Today's research shows that onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.

"The news isn't that fruits and vegetables are good for you, it's that they are so good for you, they can save your life." David Bjerklie, TIME Magazine, Oct. 2003
"Your Food Shall be Your Remedy. Let Food be Your Medicine and let Medicine be Your Food."
-Hippocrates, Greek Physician, 5th century B.C

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gray hair already?!

Is it true that if you pluck one gray hair, two more will appear in that same spot? Well, I can say that's happened to me...I just couldn't understand why I was starting to see gray curly strans sitting there, chilling, on the top of my head...I mean in my 50's, sure I can agree it's natural to happen, but I'm not 50!!! And I know I'm not alone here, there's some people out there that are sailing with me on the same boat.

So what is gray hair anyway? Everybody is different but the pigment of our hair is generated in the same way. Initially, hair is white. The cells in our hair follicles called “Melanocytes” generate pigments the main one being Melanin. This gives our hair its “Colour”. In general, the more melanin present, the darker the hair colour; the less melanin, the lighter the hair colour.
When these Melanocytes stop producing the pigment the result is a transparent hair. The transparent hair against your healthier darker hair gives the appearance of Gray hair. In reality the hair is not Gray but transparent. Some people start to gray in their early 20's or 30's; this is called premature graying. Heredity plays a major role in premature graying, if your mother or father had gray hair at a young age, than chances are you will too.

What else can cause gray hair?

  • Thyroid disorders. Conditions such as Grave's disease, Hashimoto's disease, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism have been linked with premature gray hair.

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. It can be due to a diet low in vitamin B12. It can also occur if the stomach can't absorb vitamin B12.

  • Vitiligo. A condition in which your skin loses melanocytes, resulting in very light patches of skin and possibly premature gray hair.

  • Early menopause

  • Smoking. Cigarette smoking has been linked to premature gray hair.

I also believe it to be a symptom of undergoing a weight of stress.

In traditional Chinese Medicine, premature gray hair reflects an underlying disturbance. Hair represents the quality of blood and strength of the kidneys.

Foods that are thought to strengthen the blood and kidneys are:

  • Hijiki seaweed

  • Blackstrap molasses

  • Black sesame seeds

  • Nettles

  • Wheat grass

  • Chlorophyll

Keep in mind though that consuming excessive amounts of these foods is not recommended. For example, excessive amounts of iodine (from seaweed) may increase the risk of developing thyroid problems, which itself is a cause of premature gray hair.

We should all embrace not try to erase, and recognize this as a sign of experience and wisdom :)

"Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life"

(Prov 16:31)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chemtrails and You

A friend of mine once described chemtrails to me, and the governments conspiracy plot for population control. Than, this video arrives in my inbox from someone else making me realize that this is something worth paying attention to without further delay. Apparently this is happening right now, globally!

So I'm sharing with you all that are not yet aware...

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


We've been made to believe that vaccination is important for our children right from the beginning of their tender young lives. "Protection from what"?! I wish I had questioned doctors before ever considering to vaccinate my son when he was I am aware of the dangerous side effects vaccinations can cause.
We are now living in an era where we are coming under attack with the H1N1 virus and means for vaccination to "prevent it". Is this the true solution for preventative care? Will you consider vaccination for the H1N1 virus for yourself and family? Please watch these videos before deciding, and become aware! You have the right to empower yourself with the information so freely provided!

Just simply right click on each link to open a new window and watch...

"Learning is not compulsory...neither is survival"
- W.Edwards Deming

Monday, September 14, 2009

Energy Concepts

The chakra system is a model of consciousness. Though we all understand the word, few can describe what it is. We know how to use it, alter it, enhance it or talk about it - but we cannot define it. One definition might be the structure that perceives, analyzes, stores, retrieves and creates information about any subject whatsoever, whether it is internal, external, real or imagined.

Energy, matter and consciousness intertwine to form all that we experience. Knowing the various components of the chakras allows us to achieve a greater understanding of ourselves.

Energy flows in 2 ways in the chakra system: vertically, as it passes through all the chakras, and horizontally, as it passes through each chakra. The vertical channel can be thought of as the basic source; the horizontal flow is the expression of that source.

What blocks a chakra? Generally speaking, programming from childhood experiences and cultural values cause our chakras to be blocked. A child who is physically beaten by his parents learns to shut out his body sensations. A child who is emotionally neglected shuts down the emotional second chakra. A culture that denies sexuality and promotes obedience to authority forces us to shut down our second and third chakras, accordingly. Noise pollution, unattractive surroundings or lies make us shut down our fifth, sixth and seventh chakras, respectively. The pain of unrequited love teaches us to close our hearts. Basically, past pain or stress, whatever its source, affects the healthy functioning of our chakras.

The chakras can be opened through various exercises, meditations, acupuncture points, biofeedback and general understanding. Opening chakras leads to a more profound state of consciousness. This state of consciousness is obtainable by anyone.

Chakra 1. Root, Base, or Earth Chakra. It's seated at the base of the spine. Its colour is Red. It's qualities are physical body, grounding, courage, stability and patience.

Chakra 2. Sacral Chakra. Located at the small of the back, upper lumbar. Its colour is Orange. Qualities include giving and receiving, sexual love, new ideas, harmony and creativity.

Chakra 3. Solar Plexus Chakra. Located above the navel, below the chest. Its colour is Yellow. Includes personal power, authority, energy, transformation, laughter, fear.

Chakra 4. Heart Chakra. Located in the centre of the chest. Its colour is Green. Qualities are devine unconditional love, forgiveness, balance, peace, acceptance.

Chakra 5. Throat Chakra. Located at throat area. Its colour is Blue. Qualities are communication, true creative expression.

Chakra 6. Third Eye or Brow Chakra. Located in centre of forehead between the eyebrows. Its colour is Indigo. Includes intuition, imagination, peace of mind, wisdom, intuitive centre.

Chakra 7. Crown Chakra. Located at top of the head. Its colours Violet, White. Includes Oneness with the universe, spiritual will, inspiration.

*Can-Fit-Pro NWS

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Probiotic Care

There are over 500 different types of bacteria in the digestive system; the two most prevalent are Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium.
Bifidobacterium are the most prevalent bacteria in the large intestine, while Lactobacilli are the most prevalent in the small intestine. As we age, studies show that our levels of Bifidobacterium decline, while harmful pathogenic bacteria increase. This is one of the main reasons that
intestinal ailments increase as we age.

Did you know!!!
  • That 80% of your immune system is located in your digestive system!
  • Beneficial bacteria help the body to produce vitamins, digest foods, and control overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungus and keep your immune system strong?
  • That there are two types of probiotics?
    Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They re-establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body's intestinal flora (beneficial bacterial balance).
    Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables or take supplements.
    They provide numerous health benefits as they pass through the digestive tract.

Renew Life's Ultimate Flora Critical Care is a 50 billion culture, 10 strain probiotic formula designed for treating chronic intestinal ailments in both the small and large intestine. Ultimate Flora Critical Care contains therapeutic levels of both Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium, making it the most complete and effective probiotic supplement on the market. Renew Life also carries FloraSMART Extra Strength (6Billion Bateria), and FloraSMART (2 Billion Bateria).

These and other Renew Life products can be found at your local Health Food store, or visit at

Monday, August 31, 2009

Fats that Heal...

Your body needs oil (fats, "fatty acids", lipids)

The brain, when the weight of water is removed, consists mainly of fat! -in the form of lecithin, a phosphorized fat. The pineal gland is richer in lecithin than any other part of the body. Lecithin-fat is also the chief constituent of nerve tissue and semen. Fat is found in all the body cells and especially the cell membranes. It soothes the nerves, coating them with a protective shield. It lubricates the arteries. It combines with protein to compose your hair. Fats gives us full satisfied feeling after a meal since they stay long in the gut. Essential fatty acids are involved in moisture-retention in the brain cells. "Essential fatty acids" (vitamin F) are called such because the body can't make them, hence your diet must supply them. They include omega-3 (alpha-linolenic) and omega-6 (linoleic, arachidonic). In the American diet, linoleic is abundant but linolenic acid is scarce. Hemp/flax seed are rich wholefood sources of both. Other rich sources are nuts and extracted (hence unnaturally concentrated) "supplement oils" like hemp, flax, primrose, wheatgerm and fish oil. All dark green leafy vegetables have omega-3*

*insert taken from 'Drugs Masquerading As Foods', by Suzar

Friday, August 21, 2009

Check out the nations largest fitness and wellness show tomorrow!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The liver plays an important role in our body. It's important to understand its many functions (over 500 of them), and what it takes to support it and facilitate its job.

  • other than skin, the liver is the largest organ in the human body

  • anything that you eat, breath or absorb through the skin, is processed through the liver

  • after each heartbeat, 25% of the blood pumped is filtered through the liver

  • without your liver, you would die within 24hrs

  • those 500 functions I mentioned includes some making important substances as cholesterol, blood proteins, clotting proteins, lipoproteins

  • blood filtration, bile production, the production and break down of hormones, regulation of blood sugar, and detoxification of endotoxins (produced internally) and exotoxins (environmental)

The livers role to detoxify the body is to take harmful toxins and change them into substances that can be safely eliminated from the body. Should toxins build up, the liver can become overloaded. Some symptoms of liver dysfunction can include;

  • jaundice

  • pale stools

  • pain the right side

  • depressed appetite

  • loss of energy

  • metallic taste in mouth

  • skin problems

  • chemical sensitivities

  • allergies

Preventative care begins with improved lifestyle choices such as reducing body mass to a healthy range, regular exercises and living smoke free. Healthy eating it also key. Choosing more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and limit your cholesterol intake by reducing intake of saturated and trans fats. Also eating more fish like cod, tuna, halibut, salmon, mackerel and herring.

A liver cleanse is a great way to begin addressing needs for improvement and maintenance of the liver. Please consult a practitioner if you have any major health concerns before considering a cleanse.

Monday, August 17, 2009

An Idea

I somehow stumbled upon this clip. Felt it's a great idea to think about viewing wellness.
A way of motivation to remain consistent with your goals.

Eat fresh foods. Make a life list. Meditate


Sunday, August 16, 2009


There are "aha" moments in life that can bring you closer to your destiny, or "Personal Legend". This interview is one of those "aha" moments for me, so I'm posting it again.

Here is the full interview with Will Smith.
Enjoy :)


Friday, August 14, 2009


The benefits of fitness are beyond physical appearance. It sets the tone for each cell in our body to unify and function as it was designed to be. To strengthen each system, leaving yourself open to connect with your entire being, that of body, mind and spirit.

My personal experience so far today has been incredibly heightened starting simply with a fitness class. I left the gym feeling strong, detoxed, appreciated and motivated :)

I meditated and prayed, and decided to be open to receive what life brings knowing that my response can determine my destiny. I choose to learn and grow, to live and not be afraid, to give and love.

So remember the possibilities of a whole experience your workout can be!
I guess this is my testimony to fitness ;) I wanna hear yours :)


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I am absolutely moved by this interview with Will Smith and Travis Smiley. Totally inspiring!!!

The full interview is available also, this is just a clip of some wise words.

Enjoy :)


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eat Natural

Summer is great for many things. When it comes to eating, there's many fresh foods that are abundantly available. Fruits like cherries, strawberries, peaches, and plums are refreshing to enjoy on a hot summer day. To eat natural is eating clean! Not processed, not killed with heat and than injected with preservatives. Eating my food exactly how it was created, naturally. By doing that I'm eating my vitamins, minerals, proteins, complex carbs and fats in its natural state. All the fundamentals and building blocks for a strong, resilient and lively body! A reflection of life in its truest form to be clean in body, mind and spirit. Some people may argue that by eating completely raw can extend your life along with many other wonderful benefits.

So back to my main point. I'm making subtle changes to the increased amount of raw foods I'll eat opposed to heated and cook foods. By doing so, I've noticed an increase in energy and an improvement with digestion. For me, I believe my natural path begins here. I've learned that health begins with the gut. During the embryonic stage of life, many organs bud out from the gut. So it's good to keep the gut/stomach and intestines clean and healthy with proper foods that are living and not dead by ways of cooking. To even eat meat, it must first ferment in the stomach before passing through the intestines. That's insane! To imagine sitting there with rotting meat inside you with no way out! My apologies to the people that do eat meat, no offence intended...heck I've eaten meat! This is how I help myself to overstand the truth of natural eating, cause that ain't!

I am walking this path, and sharing my experience with you. If it influences you, embrace it and we can do it together.

So cheers to eating naturally, one step at a time :)


Friday, August 7, 2009

Tis the season to get Cherried!

It's cherry season!
Who doesn't like cherries? We all like cherries! I was enjoying a bowl of delicious dark red cherries myself.
Cherries are another one of natures sweet pleasures that's great for you. These luscious red treats are packed with potent antioxidants called anthocyanins, which aids in reducing pain and inflammation. You will also find melatonin in cherries. This hormone relaxes your body, leaving you feeling rested. Some may argue that their quality of sleep is considerably enhanced after a day of eating cherries. The list continues including wonderful benefits for cardiovascular health and blood sugar.
So treat yourself, and indulge. Even better knowing how much your body can appreciate it!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Meet the Bush Doctor

This is the real deal!!! lol, seriously thou I'd drink it!!!
I believe that there is a plant to cure any ailment!

enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fibroid Health

What is it?

Uterine fibroids are benign tumor growth within and around the uterus.
While most common among black women, fibroids can occur from the beginning of menstruation up until menopause.
Uterine fibroids can exist without treatment, and if problematic can lead to surgical removal and/or hysterectomy.

What can help?

Healthy Herbs…

Burdock: A common plant found in Europe and the United States. Burdock is an especially good detoxifier for the blood, kidneys, skin, liver, stomach, and lungs. This plant includes minerals such as iron, which can purify the blood. Burdock is also known to have anti-tumor properties, antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It has been useful for diabetes and a variety of female problems, such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, PMS, and fibrocystic breast disease.
Burdock is safe: there are no risks, no side effects and no drug interactions. You can supplement in pill form, drink as a tea, and from a tincture.

Chastetree berry: Chastetree berry is one of the most important herbs used for female reproductive health. Some suggest this as the best treatment for PMS. Huge numbers of women found relief with this herb. A number of studies have proven a major impact of total or partial elimination of PMS symptoms. This herb helps more than just PMS, a whole range of menstrual irregularities from absence of periods to infrequent periods, too frequent periods to too heavy periods. In addition to menstrual problems and infertility, chastetree berry is also able to help endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids and corpus luteum insufficiency. It does not contain hormones. It regulates hormones by working in the pituitary gland. Specifically increases progesterone while decreasing estrogen and prolactin. Even thou prolactin is the hormone which stimulates breast milk; ironically, chastetree berry can still encourage breast milk production in mothers.
Chastetree berry is very safe with rare side effects. 1-2% of cases found minor rash with itching and mild upset stomach. This herb can be supplemented in tincture form, extract and pill form.

Wild yam: As an herb for women, wild yam has been used for normalizing hormones. It also helps with menstrual cramps, infertility, miscarriage, morning sickness, menopause, fibroids and endometriosis.
Wild yam is safe and has no side effects even when used long term. It can be taken in pill form, dried powder root, tea and tincture.

All material supplied by, Healthy Herbs by Linda Woolven, M.H., C.Ac. and Ted Snider
Please consult a practitioner first before taking any herbs.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Let me introduce myself. My name, Camille Robinson a.k.a Natural Path (Facebook). I don't have an autobiography but I feel this is where my journey begins. I chose to create a Blog to share my thoughts and to inquire about yours. I like to acquire information about Holistic Health and Wellness as it means much to me and the lifestyle that I want for myself, my family and those around me. I'm not here to judge, or force my ideas to you as "the only way", I would like to create an opportunity to discuss ideas.

I've studied in Wellness, Holistic Nutrition, and even some personal training.
I like to gather information and share it. I'm also available to assist anyone with their journey into Wellness. With that being said, let the journey begin :)