Monday, August 31, 2009

Fats that Heal...

Your body needs oil (fats, "fatty acids", lipids)

The brain, when the weight of water is removed, consists mainly of fat! -in the form of lecithin, a phosphorized fat. The pineal gland is richer in lecithin than any other part of the body. Lecithin-fat is also the chief constituent of nerve tissue and semen. Fat is found in all the body cells and especially the cell membranes. It soothes the nerves, coating them with a protective shield. It lubricates the arteries. It combines with protein to compose your hair. Fats gives us full satisfied feeling after a meal since they stay long in the gut. Essential fatty acids are involved in moisture-retention in the brain cells. "Essential fatty acids" (vitamin F) are called such because the body can't make them, hence your diet must supply them. They include omega-3 (alpha-linolenic) and omega-6 (linoleic, arachidonic). In the American diet, linoleic is abundant but linolenic acid is scarce. Hemp/flax seed are rich wholefood sources of both. Other rich sources are nuts and extracted (hence unnaturally concentrated) "supplement oils" like hemp, flax, primrose, wheatgerm and fish oil. All dark green leafy vegetables have omega-3*

*insert taken from 'Drugs Masquerading As Foods', by Suzar