Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fibroid Health

What is it?

Uterine fibroids are benign tumor growth within and around the uterus.
While most common among black women, fibroids can occur from the beginning of menstruation up until menopause.
Uterine fibroids can exist without treatment, and if problematic can lead to surgical removal and/or hysterectomy.

What can help?

Healthy Herbs…

Burdock: A common plant found in Europe and the United States. Burdock is an especially good detoxifier for the blood, kidneys, skin, liver, stomach, and lungs. This plant includes minerals such as iron, which can purify the blood. Burdock is also known to have anti-tumor properties, antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It has been useful for diabetes and a variety of female problems, such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, PMS, and fibrocystic breast disease.
Burdock is safe: there are no risks, no side effects and no drug interactions. You can supplement in pill form, drink as a tea, and from a tincture.

Chastetree berry: Chastetree berry is one of the most important herbs used for female reproductive health. Some suggest this as the best treatment for PMS. Huge numbers of women found relief with this herb. A number of studies have proven a major impact of total or partial elimination of PMS symptoms. This herb helps more than just PMS, a whole range of menstrual irregularities from absence of periods to infrequent periods, too frequent periods to too heavy periods. In addition to menstrual problems and infertility, chastetree berry is also able to help endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids and corpus luteum insufficiency. It does not contain hormones. It regulates hormones by working in the pituitary gland. Specifically increases progesterone while decreasing estrogen and prolactin. Even thou prolactin is the hormone which stimulates breast milk; ironically, chastetree berry can still encourage breast milk production in mothers.
Chastetree berry is very safe with rare side effects. 1-2% of cases found minor rash with itching and mild upset stomach. This herb can be supplemented in tincture form, extract and pill form.

Wild yam: As an herb for women, wild yam has been used for normalizing hormones. It also helps with menstrual cramps, infertility, miscarriage, morning sickness, menopause, fibroids and endometriosis.
Wild yam is safe and has no side effects even when used long term. It can be taken in pill form, dried powder root, tea and tincture.

All material supplied by, Healthy Herbs by Linda Woolven, M.H., C.Ac. and Ted Snider
Please consult a practitioner first before taking any herbs.

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