Sunday, October 10, 2010
Happy Giving Thanks
So what is everyone so thankful for? Most are thankful for their health, family, friends, shelter, jobs... and the list continues covering all bare essentials to our existence. But when the weekends over, and everyone goes back to work on Tuesday the thankful wishes sometimes goes on the back burner. Imagine if more than some people had the spirit of 'thankfulness' with them almost constantly through-out the year? What if we choose to incorporate a lifestyle that included Giving Thanks, and take it a step further to demonstrate this gratitude in our thoughts and actions for ourselves and those around us. We could impact people positively, and who knows maybe they would pay it forward to others. Just imagine if EVERYONE you knew had that 'attitude of gratitude' year round instead of only in October. How would our communities be affected? How about our city, or our country? Better yet our world? Lol, yes it may seem a bit out there but you don't know until we all could agree and try.
Giving costs nothing. A small deed, an encouragement, or even cleaning out your closet of clothes you don't wear anymore to give to a shelter for those who are without. When we take our minds off ourselves and focus on the needs of others, we can see how easy it is to give. And when we are in the realm of selfless giving, we will find that the blessings will flow in karma. So GIVE THANKS always and encourage others to do so as well, then we will soon discover that every weekend will be like Thanksgiving.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
positive thursday
I've grown up seeing my mother work hard, raising 4 children all on her own. Her strength amazes me til today. The strength of a woman. I've learned to identify that strength within myself. There is a lineage of resilient woman in my life that are apart of me. Without a shadow of a doubt, my capabilities have made achievements and my potential is continuous.
Fear will no longer hold dominion over me, and Faith will extend me. I honor all the women in my life, the mothers, the teachers, the students, the professionals, the friends... my sisters. We as women need to edify each other consistently, reminding each other to take care of ourselves first. To dream and live now. We need to realize that our own aspirations and will to push is what teaches our communities and children to aspire and push. So cheers to Sisterhood, our Mothers and all Women.
"A Nation Can Rise No Higher Than The Woman"
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Labor for Learning
For learning is better than silver or gold.
Silver and gold will vanish away,
But a good education will never decay.
Lessons a beautiful mother passes to her daughter. She wanted to get a part-time job while in school and asks her mom's advice. Her mother looks at her and says, "Labor for learning before you grow old, For learning is better than silver or gold. Silver and gold will vanish away, But a good education will never decay"...her daughter gazed upon her thinking "Huh".. The lesson was wise and her daughter grew to learn. Don't rush away from the opportunity for learning.
Knowledge is Power. Nothing compares to the confidence you feel when you are educated. Learning is everlasting.
So I share with you about a woman so remarkable with her prophetic wisdom, whom would always smile when I would see her. She was filled with grace always, even at her most painful moments. A courageous mother, grandmother, daughter, and sister. Thank you for demonstrating your strength as a woman, and love as a mother of five children. Sending you love as you Rest In Eternal Peace,
Marcia Angella Riddell-Edwards
Friday, October 1, 2010
positive thursday + a day
Life as we know it presents itself with uncertainty. We are never revealed how long of time we have to live within this realm. One thing that we are guaranteed is the power of choice while we are alive. The freedom to live and not just exist. So while we have breath let's give thanks for the opportunity to awake each day with the gift of life. Choose to express yourself right down to your core truth. Live. Love, and express your love with the people that matter to you. Let them know now while they are alive to hear you, see you, and feel you. So you won't regret it when it's too late. You see when God calls us home, the lives of those that are left behind will be changed forever. And for most a reminder about living, not so much death itself.
Reflect about how you would like to live, and just do it. Life is too short.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
positive thursday
Integrity: a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcomes...
Integrity will govern how you think, speak, and act. Integrity can be reflected in your dreams, goals and intention.
Your integrity matters.
Have a perfect Positive Thursday (((+)))
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wayne Dyer- Intention
Dream. Ask. Intent. Passion. We all have the ability to manifest greatness into our lives. This video is dedicated to those pursuing that greatness.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
positive thursday
So beautifully put. Courage cannot be bought, borrowed or stolen. It's what you find deep in your truth. Each of us have courage within our truth. Go look, it's there.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Drink Lemonade
It's almost effortless to be taken back when life "gives you lemons". To be left feeling caught off guard when things in life happens, when we are facing adversity. So what happens next? First thought usually is to try and figure out why this happened or even how. Then naturally we look for the indicators that may have led to this tragedy, maybe find someone to blame. Thinking of excuses why it couldn't be avoided, if you for a moment knew something wasn't right prior, leading to this end result. Before you realize it, you have fallen a victim to adversity. Consumed with feelings of sadness, anger and doubt, you get imprisoned with your emotions and are unable to focus on a plan to break free from it. We see it all the time where people fall a victim and wallow in the pain and hurt. They start to mourn the adversity, cry and bring people to mourn with them. These people lose sight of the opportunity they have to do something about it. They forget they have the ability to take charge and respond to this situation.
"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it."
We can choose to see this adversity as an opportunity. An opportunity to enhance your skills and ability to a different approach if what you were tying had failed. An opportunity to re-evaluate your current situation and check to see if it was aligned with your goals, and your dreams. Just an opportunity to ask yourself.
The answer for what your next step will be lies within you. Once you can exclude the external noise of people and things that are distracting you from you. Get quiet and ask yourself. You'll soon realize what the opportunity is. You begin to focus on your goals and make a plan. You take responsibility for your life and realize just because this happened, doesn't mean nothing more than to remind you to stay focused. You have opened yourself to receive that opportunity and be enlightened. Your able to flow with life and its motions. You can transform your 90% response as your order to make list of what you truly want. Be reminded that with each adversity you may face, you can and will seek opportunity from it. This progressive energy you radiate will even help those other mourners to do the same. So be the change that you want to see and respond to your adversities with an open mind, be resilient. Life is precious, and time is too important to spend it on things that are dead. Learn to still give thanks no matter what. Praise and sing for whom you believe is the Creator of all things. Your faith will be the fuel to carry your goals and manifest into reality.
So cheers to a refreshing glass of lemonade, for what we go through are merely the growing pains of life.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Waking Up
@CamNatural -- Something in you is waking up to something more! Congrats! (by @crystalandrus)
Have you ever ran into someone that you haven't seen for a long time and they say something light to you that leaves you shaken to your core? Ever read a blog post, a Facebook status message, or a tweet and you feel that it's speaking directly to you? What about just spending time in a quiet place with no distractions around, and hearing the still voice of your inner being giving you answers to the questions you may have asked externally only to come up short of no solution. Have you?
I was scrolling through my Twitter timeline this morning and was able to have a brief connect with an inspiring professional who knows what she's talking about. She 'tweeted' to me, "Something in you is waking up to something more.." that little tweet left me with goosebumps. It addressed some concerns and thoughts I've been having about my future, especially after facing an adverse situation at work this past week. Another snippet and reminder that God will send people to give you a message that you need at the right moment. So I am thankful that I'm able to pay attention to those messages and be ok. I know that I am on the right path.
I am sharing this inspiring video (above) with you by Crystal Andrus, hope you enjoy :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ever seen Queen Victoria act the fool? No, she's seen confident, dignified and strong (just to name a few). Her very presence eludes royalty.. and that's just the British Monarchy. But, we carry the very essence of royalty inherited from a King above all Kings. If we truly believe that God is our Father, and we are his children, then why not consider ourselves of a royal family? We may not live in palaces, segregated from the general public, but we can walk with royal integrity. We can discover our true inheritance made up of the fabric of our Savior. I'm jus say'n.
Have a wonderful and blessed POSITIVE Thursday (((+)))!
Fundamentals of Yoga
Yoga as Union
Yoga is the integration of mind and body. You can think of this as a two-part process of self-integration. Internally, it is the union of your own physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects. Yogis frequently refer to these as the four aspects of human self. Externally, it is your union with the rest of the universe.
Regardless of our philosophies of life or religion, most of us have had moments when everything becomes clear. For an instant, or more, you feel connected to everything and everything is o.k. We might call these moments of clarity, self-actualization, enlightenment or "aha" moments. They are moments of yoga. The actual practice of yoga exist to promote these experiences.
When you focus effort on mind-body integration, you acquire benefits such as..
It's good for your physical health
- Practically every one of your body's systems grows stronger from bringing mind and body together
It's good for your mental and emotional health
- You'll gain better understanding of yourself and you'll decrease your stress level
Your relationships will improve
- It's easier to deal with those difficult situations when you've got a better handle on what's going on inside you
Peace of mind will help you find your way in the world
- We all wonder sometimes if we're doing all we can with our lives. Unfortunately, there's no final answer, but easing doubts and worries for a few moments here and there can truly help you find direction
Here's what some people had to say..
Yoga teaches us to cure what need not endure and endure what cannot be cured. ~ B.K.S Iyengar
Sun salutations can energize and warm you, even on the darkest, coldest winter day. ~ Carol Krucoff
When the breath wanders the mind is also unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath. ~ Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. ~ Patanjali, translated from Sanskrit
So consider striking a 'sun salutation' and smile. Embrace the possibilities you can be offered.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Go Green
The carbon footprint is a way to measure the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, like carbon dioxide. Ultimately, it is a useful way for people to conceptualize their impact in contributing to global warming.
We have to take the time to think about ways to lighten our carbon footprint and preserve our planet from further damage. Our generations after us are inheriting mother Earth and need to enjoy it in its most natural form. There's a lapse between awareness and action. People will know what they should be doing, but they just don't do it, either because they are waiting for more information, trying to get their minds in the right place to commit, or have excuses as to why they'll wait until Monday, or after the holidays, or until some other vaguely reasons rather then begin making changes in their lives. But the state of the planet is now at a tipping point. The world is in crisis, and there are no excuses to sit on the sidelines anymore. Our current choices and behaviors are warming this planet, and you can do something now to have a significant impact on cutting your carbon footprint. THINK ABOUT THIS.
Put plan into action, take accountability for your personal footprint and live green. Some steps listed below to cut down your carbon footprint:
- become a sustainable shopper and use a cloth grocery bag when shopping. If you purchase few items opt to carry them in your personal bag instead of buying a plastic bag. Consider transportation and distance used for shopping when your items can also be conveniently sold in one general area, instead of traveling to get to a store that has that one item for sale.
- reduce, reuse, reuse, reuse some more... then recycle
- remove unused cords from the electrical socket and turn lights off when leaving the room
- make sure your appliances are energy efficient ho hum, sounds boring right? One of the biggest hotspot to determine a person's personal "footprint" is that household food storage and preparation account for 25-30% of the total carbon load of that food.
- eliminate overprocessed, overpackaged, oversized, nutritionally empty foods that are currently hogging up space in your fridge, pantry, and daily food jaunts. Replace these with sustainable, fresh whole, delicious foods that are much healthier for you and the planet. This will clear out a bunch of unnecessarily calories that are keeping you from moving towards ur personal best health.
It's not difficult to incorporate this ideas into practice. These steps can leave a lasting impact that you will benefit from immediately and consistently, and will impact others positively. Ready. Go!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sweet Cinnamon
Inhale deeply as the yummy aroma is known to enhance and boost memory and cognitive function.
People that suffer from Type 2 Diabetes can consider cinnamon for therapeutic remedies with approval from their treating Physician. This ancient herb has been found to assist with lowering blood sugar levels and increasing the amount of insulin production in the body. It can also lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Cinnamon can aid in digestion, especially when eating fruits with sources of manganese, dietary fiber, iron and calcium.
Cinnamon contain antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties. It can combat vaginal yeast infections, oral yeast infections, stomach ulcers and even head lice.
So how about considering cinnamon as a enjoyable and healthy flavor to your dish!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Curse and The Cure
"Ever since man chose the way of sin (as all have, except Jesus Christ), men have not rightly respected women, not even their own wives (when married), and have instead ruled “over” women in a wrong manner that is authoritarian, controlling and demeaning (looking down as being lesser). This is what constitutes a large part of the curse upon women that has existed from the beginning. Over the centuries, even within the Church, that curse has only partially been lifted to the degree that individuals have repented of mistreatment of others and have truly sought to “change” self and become more God-like in character and thinking (in harmony with the truths and laws of God). But women have still been suppressed by being morally mistreated, demeaned, and held to an inferior state by men. And most sad of all, this has been perpetuated by husbands because of male ego, lust and pride."
"God is now starting the greater process (which only partially started in the Church over the centuries) of restoring the dignity and honor that He intended women should have from the beginning. This is part of the “healing” process that is prophesied to fill the earth in the Millennium, as Satan and his demons are removed from the presence of mankind, and as Jesus Christ receives rule of all the earth. This healing process is now beginning to be restored in God’s Church as we accelerate toward that new age for all mankind. In this context, this is the greater fulfillment of the prophecy that states, “And those from among you shall build the old waste places and you shall raise up the foundations of many generations, and you shall be called, ‘The repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in’” (Is. 58:12)...."
"...The liberation of all races and nationalities is rapidly approaching, and at the top of that list is the true liberation of women from the demeaning state in which they have been “ruled over.” This also produces a liberation for man that yields a more fulfilling and rewarding life, a greater unity and oneness with God, and the greater experience of what true masculinity was intended to be from the beginning."
Now this article has truly grabbed my attention so much that I've shared with close friends and discussed our views. We all know a woman that has been disrespected and under valued in a relationship and even marriage, all too well. Some of us have even grown up seeing it happen to our mothers. It's now become such common behavior that society have become desensitized to it. Within my circle, it's obviously a common denominator in marriages/relationships of some form or the other.
I have positioned my attitude so that my thoughts, my words and my actions will rebel from this "curse" and liberate my spirit to receive what's right and deserving. And I encourage all women to do the same. We need to step back onto our throne and teach men that should be Kings to act the same. We are beings of wisdom, teachers, holding the very essence of God to bring life. You see we are much more than a sexual desire, a pretty face. We contain the ability to carry unbelievable amounts of pressure upon our shoulders and continue on in life with a gentle smile. So why is it so hard to see this truth in a woman and appreciate her? I just believe this is part of our natural path of living, love and be loved. Period. And don't settle for anything less.
"Hurt people hurt people" ~ RevRunWisdom
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Be Still
When you can command your mind to be still and have it obey your command, just imagine the power you will have to create what you want.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Shivapuri Baba

Shivapuri Baba was a Hindu saint who reportedly lived from 1826 to 1963, making him 137 years old at the time of his death. Shivapuri Baba was born in the Indian State of Kerala in 1826 and became a seeker of truth at the age of 18. He joined his grandfather in the forest of the upper Deccan, near the banks of the river Narbada. His grandfather insisted that after his own death, the boy should meditate until he obtained God-realization, then make a pilgrimage on foot not only through India, but also around the world. After the death of his grandfather, the young man received initiation as a sannyasin and took the name of Govindananda Bharati. He then retreated to the Narbada forest and spent 25 years in absolute seclusion. At the age of 50, he achieved the beatific vision and became aware of the divine as absolute, beyond name and form, which in Hinduism is considered the highest and most difficult stage of Godrealization. He then undertook his great pilgrimages.
He visited all the holy places of India, meeting Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Aurobindo. He went on to travel through Afghanistan and Persia, then made a pilgrimage to Mecca. After this experience of the Moslem shrine, he next traveled to Jerusalem, the holy city of Judaism and Christianity. He went on to Turkey, through the Balkans into Greece and then through Italy to Rome, so that he might better understand the Christian religion. After visiting most European countries, he was invited to England by Queen Victoria's Indian Secretariat and had 18 private visits with the queen.
That enlightened soul continued his pilgrimage on foot, covering countries of Greenland, Canada, United States, countries of South America, Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, etc., and finally reached back in India via Tibet and Nepal. He traveled more than 25,000 miles, eighty percent on foot. Again he took a final pilgrimage of India. During this time, he visited Kerala and his own ancestral house where he found that nobody of his generation was living.
He, then decided to spend the rest of his life in the forest of Sivapuri, near Kathmandu, Nepal. Thereafter, Govindananda Bharathi became Shivapuri Baba. Even after the age of 100, he often used to undertake pilgrimage to Kasi and other places, on foot. At the age of 120, he shifted to Dhruvasthali - another forest retreat - nearly 1.5 km from Pasupathinath Temple, Kathmandu, due to cancer which he himself later cured with Yoga, after medical advice failed.
Being a man who had realized the "Absolute Truth", Shivapuri Baba had astral vision and omnipotent power. But he was extremely calm and serene, and never felt tense or anxious. Very rarely did he use his powers, believing that it may create reactions and disturb the serenity.
Babas' Teachings to realize GOD is simple. His teaching is Right Life (SWADHARMA) which means Devotion And Discrimination.
Right Life comprises following Physical, Moral and Spiritual Disciplines.
Physical Discipline
- Take care of the Body.
- Decide how much to eat, how much to drink, how much to Sleep, how much sex and extra activity.
- Have a professional duty.
- Earn money to maintain Life and family. Look after your dependents.
Moral Discipline
- Follow the 26 divine virtues mentioned in the first three verses of 16th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita..
- Do not harm people.
- Use discrimination and help people at the time of need.
- Contribute at least 10 percent of your income to the needy people, educational institutions, students etc.
- Save 30 percent of your income to use that amount at the time of need.
- Begin charity from the home, neighbors.
- Make your mind strong.The strong mind is the link between two worlds which enables human being to face their duties with serenity and to enter upon his search for God.
- Read the Books like Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavata, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Books On Buddha, Christ, Mohammad and other spiritual personalities.
Spiritual Discipline
- Devote maximum time in God worship.
- Meditate on him, in the beginning with form and try to go beyond form.
- If you go on passing your time on meditating on God, God will come in a flash.
- If you see God or Truth, all your problems will be solved and no re-birth in the world.
- After God realization also the soul immediately will not leave this gross body.
- It stays in the body so long as one enjoys prarabdha.
- Prarabdha is the accumulation of your deeds in your past life. When balance is not left, no rebirth.
*reference: Bennett, John G., with Thakur Lal Manandhar. Long Pilgrimage: The Life and Teaching of Sri Govinananda Bharati known as the Shivapuri Baba. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1965.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
25 Years - CDG

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Six Steps to Good Health - Step Six
For serious conditions, my best advice is to seek appropriate professional medical attention. If you are interested in pursuing only natural cures, I suggest you consult a Naturopathic Doctor (ND). An ND has undergone similar education to an MD, but has focused on natural cures and therapies. You can find practitioners near you at Naturopathic Doctors in Canada. If you live elsewhere, check with local licensing boards to find resources that can help you find an ND near you.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Six Steps to Good Health - Step Five
A. Master Cleanse – depriving your body of food over a short period of a few days allows your body to cleanse itself. Not burdened with the process of digestion, your body can focus on cleansing itself. As fat deposits are broken down, toxins are released and eliminated. This process can be accelerated by consuming either specific juices or fasting solutions that help promote cleansing and healing. Fasting and the Juice Fast provides you with additional background information and details on how to administer a pure fast, a monofoods fast and a juice fast. Undergo a fast at least once per year, to stay on the path to good health.
B. Hyperthermia – elevating your body temperature helps increase your metabolism and accelerates your body’s natural internal cleansing processes. Hyperthermia gives you guidelines on using heat to help you achieve good health. Use them to administer these techniques as often as you can.
C. Oxygen Therapy – oxygen is a powerful cleansing process. Learn about using oxygen to help cleanse your body of toxins.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Six Steps to Good Health - Step Four
A. One of the most important things you can do to get the nourishment that your body needs is to eat 7 -9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. One simple and effective way to increase your servings of fruit and vegetables is through juicing. If you do not consume this many servings of fruit and vegetables, you are probably not getting the necessary essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and phytochemicals so critical to building and maintaining good health. If you are like me and find it difficult to eat so many servings of fruit and vegetables, you should consider taking mineral and vitamin supplements.
B. A second important thing that you should do is learn to control your blood sugar by eating low glycemic foods. Spikes in your blood sugar causes a syndrome called insulin resistance. This problem can lead to diseases such as Type II Diabetes, heart attacks, high cholesterol, and Alzheimer’s disease. Controlling your blood sugar levels will help you live a healthier life.
C. A third important factor in your diet should be to get sufficient fiber by eating high fiber food. Fiber not only helps to control blood sugar, but also helps to continuously cleanse your body of toxins and fatty deposits that lead to poor health.
D. Finally, eating natural and organic food will help to provide a better environment for your body. This guide provides practical advice such as what additives and sweeteners are the best and worst for you, and which fruits and vegetables have the highest pesticide / chemical content and hence should be purchased from organic sources.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Six Steps to Good Health - Step Three
A. Start with a colon cleanse to cleanse your entire digestive tract. Why start with cleansing the colon to achieve good health? According to the Royal Academy of Physicians of Great Britain, 90% of all disease and discomfort is directly or indirectly related to an unclean colon. It is no wonder, given that your colon is the primary means for your body to eliminate waste. Additionally, poor digestion is one of the world’s major health problems. Your digestive system is a complex arrangement of organs and intestines, an assortment of acids, bacteria, and enzymes designed to nourish vital organs and body systems. Your food and drink must be broken down into small molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body. A clogged or poorly functioning digestive system prevents the absorption of nutrients your body needs, and inhibits the elimination of toxins which are damaging your liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and other vital organs. After your colon cleanse, make sure get enough fiber in your diet by eating high fiber food to keep your colon clean.
B. Undertake a parasite cleanse - It is estimated that parasites infect up to 80% of the world population. Amazingly enough, these infestations are not limited to developing nations with poor sanitation. If you think you do not have parasites, you may be wrong. You can have a parasite infestation with few symptoms – but the overall effect can cause other illnesses to take a bigger toll on your body, due to a weakened immune system. Parasites can rob you of your goal to achieve good health. Undergo a parasite cleanse every 6 months, as it is easy to get re-infected – especially if you are around pets or other animals.
C. Follow this up with a kidney cleanse – Your kidneys act as filters that remove toxins and metabolic waste from your blood. Through years of abuse, your kidneys could become less effective, leading to conditions such as gout. Performing a Kidney Cleanse will help to get your kidneys back into shape. After your kidneys are clean, eat an apple a day, to help ensure that your kidneys remain in good condition.
D. Finally, flush your gall bladder and liver with a liver cleanse – your liver is a complex organ that is responsible for a great many functions. Flushing your liver of built up toxins and fatty deposits can help your liver function more effectively. You can find information on the liver’s many functions and a simple do-it-yourself guide to administering a Liver Cleanse. You may need to repeat your liver cleanse, but never more frequently than every 2 weeks. We can rely on our body telling us when we need a liver cleanse. We do this when we see old symptoms, such as allergies re-appearing.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Six Steps to Good Health - Step Two
Monday, April 5, 2010
Six Steps to Good Health - Step One
Believe it to Achieve it
When you master believing, you have mastered your life.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Our Natural Path
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

- two glasses of water, after waking up, helps activate internal organs
- one glass of water, 30 minutes after a meal, helps digestion
- one glass of water, before taking a bath, helps lower blood pressure
- one glass of water, before sleeping, can avoid stroke or heart attack
It's always important to consider 8-10 glasses of water per day for complete effectiveness and optimum function.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen contains an incredible array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, co-enzymes, and hormones. It is especially rich in B vitamins and antioxidants, including lycopene, selenium, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and several flavanoids. It is composed of 55% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 3% vitamins and minerals, 2% fatty acids, and 5% other substances. Overall, it's one of the most nutritionally complete natural substances found on earth.
When you first start taking bee pollen you may feel a significant increase in your energy right away, definitely within a week or so. Over time the consistent use of pollen will improve your energy, stamina, and endurance. You'll also probably notice a greater feeling of general well-being. Over the long-term, regular consumption of bee pollen will help alleviate many different health problems, slow down the aging process, and improve your quality of life.
Bee pollen has been shown to help people:
- lose weight
- increase energy, vitality and stamina
- enhance the immune system
- relieve allergy and asthma symptoms
- improve sexual function
- correct digestion problems
- slow the aging process
- prevent cancer and other diseases
Bee pollen is one of nature’s healthiest and most powerful “superfoods.” It’s been used as a dietary supplement for thousands of years. The early Egyptian and early Chinese civilizations both used it as a physical rejuvenator and medicine. The Greek physician Hippocrates, recognized as the father of modern medicine, used pollen as a healing substance over 2,500 years ago. Today natural health practitioners often refer to bee pollen as an herbal “fountain of youth” that can be used for everything from weight loss to cancer prevention. It may be nature's most perfect food...
"The conservation of our natural resources and their proper use constitute the fundamental problem which underlies almost every other problem of our national life." ~Theodore Roosevelt
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Elijah J. McCoy
Ossie Davis
Friday, February 5, 2010
Black Health Awareness
The 10 most serious health problems threatening blacks vary in impact by gender and age. The first three: heart disease, stroke, and cancer are primarily conditions of the aged, and account for two-thirds of all deaths in the Black community. The other seven major health threats include hypertension (high blood pressure), cirrhosis, diabetes, AIDS, homicide, accidents and infant mortality-account for 80 percent of all Black deaths.
- The prevalence of diabetes among African Americans is about 70% higher than among white Americans.
- Infant mortality rates are twice as high for African Americans as for white Americans.
- The five year survival rate for cancer among African Americans diagnosed for 1986-1992 was about 44%, compared with 59% for white Americans.
Heart disease, a leading killer of Blacks, frequently culminates in heart attacks which occur when the heart's supply of oxygen-rich blood is drastically diminished or cut off because of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries. Patients should be advised to address any weight concerns. Eat foods that are prepared in a healthy way, consisting of whole grain, fish and lean white meats, fruits and fresh vegetables. Avoid stressful situations and exercise, meditate and yoga. Most importantly, for smokers to quit!
Stroke often signals an already existing condition that affects blood flow to the brain. If that flow stops, brain cells lose their only energy source and begin to die. The result is a stroke. Certain rare blood diseases, inherited disorders, and birth defects can also cause stroke.
Cancer, despite medical science's significant advances in therapy which have resulted in drastically improved survival rates, is still a major health problem among Blacks as well as Whites. Until such time that the disease has been eradicated, doctors stress that early detection, which dramatically increases the chances for successful treatment, is still the most effective anti-cancer weapon. Symptoms of common cancers include:
Lung :: Coughs that linger indefinitely; coughing up blood; shortness of breath.
Breast :: Lump in the breast; change in breast shape; discharge from the nipple.
Colon and rectum :: Changes in bowel habits, bleeding from the rectum; blood in the stool which appears bright red or black.
Prostate (men) :: Difficulty or pain while urinating; the need to urinate often, especially at night.
Uterus, ovary, and cervix (women) :: Bleeding after menopause, unusual vaginal discharge, abdomen enlargement, pain during intercourse.
Skin :: Sores that do not heal; sudden appearance of a mole; changes in shape, size or color of a wart or mole.
Our bodies communicate through symptoms, telling us something needs attention. We must be vigilant and research for the cause and not only treat the symptoms. Maintaining an annual physical is also essential for any early detection. We are a resilient race, and keeping our health at the forefront in our day-to-day lives will ensure many years ahead.
"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied." ~Herophilus
Monday, February 1, 2010
Still I Rise
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
~Maya Angelou
Monday, January 25, 2010
Did You Know...
Heart & Blood
- The Heart will beat, even if removed from the body, as long as it has food. Only the heart muscle can do this.
- Your heart beats over 100,000 times in a day.
- Your heart pumps 1,440 gallons of blood each day.
- Your blood travels over 170,000 miles in a day.
- There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in your body - a distance twice around the world! In each eye alone are about 80 miles of blood vessels if stretched out from end to end.
- Your blood contains 25-30 trillion red blood cells. Their combined surface would cover about 200 square feet.
Brain & Nerves
- You are born with all the brain cells you will ever have.
- The brain is composed of about 15 billion (15,000,000,000) powerful brain cells that are about 90% water.
- Humans use only a fraction (less than 1/10th) of their brain capacity.
- Each half of the brain controls the opposite side of the body.
- Your nervous system sends messages as fast as 185 miles per hour.
- Your brain & nerves cannot function without (neuro) Melanin.
- Over 600,000 skin cells would fit into an area the size of a postage stamp. The entire surface of the skin has about 7 million pores (perspiratory tubes), each about a 1/4 inch long. Laid out end to end, they'd extend 28 miles.
- The skin breathes like lungs, absorbing oxygen and exhaling carbonic acid gas and watery vapor.
- The skin excretes organic matter, toxins, and saline matter in solution, like the kidneys. The average amount of fluid waste discharged through the skin every 24 hours is about 2 pounds.
- In one square inch of skin are 625 sweat glands, 90 oil glands, 19 million cells, 19 feet of blood vessels, 19,000 sensory cells, 65 hairs... and millions of microscopic animals.
- Your organs are duplicated in each cell of your body.
- Your liver is a chemical factory and detoxifier which filters toxins at a rate of a quart of blood per minute. It regenerates its own tissue, even if 80% of its cells are damaged.
- As much as 500 gallons of blood pass through the kidneys each day to be filtered of waste. Your kidneys filter the body's entire volume of blood 60 times each day.
- Your ears enable you to keep your balance, plus hear.
Bones & Muscles
- Bones are blood factories, besides being a flesh-hanger. Bone marrow can produce 5 billion red blood cells a day.
- The human skeleton has 206 bones; over 50 in the hands.
- The skull appears to be one bone but really 29 separate bones fused together.
- 650 muscles cover the body. Over 200 are used when you walk. Smiling uses only 17 muscles but a frown uses 43.
Cells & Growth
- From the time of conception to adulthood, your body grows from one cell to one quadrillion cells (1,000,000,000,000,000).
- Blood is renewed at the rate of millions of cells per second.
- The stomach lining completely regenerates in a week, a healthy liver regenerates in 6 weeks, and the skin surface in a month.
- No cell in your body is over 2 years old! (except for your irreplaceable brain cells, and even with these - the atoms are continually being replaced).
- Every year over 96% of your body is completed replaced, even the structure of the DNA of your genes, reconstructed from the food you eat (or rather, the nutrients you assimilate).
- Each cell is a storehouse for some 5000 enzymes needed to implement chemical reactions.
- Each of your cells is responsible for supervising 1000 to 10,000 different chemical reactions.
- In the human body, some 6 trillion reactions occur every second and each of them is correlated with every other reaction.
Your body is a self-cleaning, self-healing, irreplaceable mechanism which deserves Nature's best! All you have to do is feed it properly, give it sunshine, exercise, avoid poisoning it, and stay out of its way. What is your body worth? ...Priceless!! So we must take care of our priceless body and it will take care of us!
"A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul: a sick body is a prison" ~ Francis Bacon Sr.
Monday, January 18, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010
The Power Of Choice
Everything that we have ever been exposed to conditions us in some way. We condition ourselves into patterns of actions based upon all relationships that we have been exposed to over a lifetime (and not just with others but with the environment around us). This conditioning determines much of how we act and we can end up reacting to situations instead of responding in ways that will lead us closer to the life that we want to be living.
This repetition of acting trains us to act more and more in that fashion. We create neural networks and pathways associated with that thought/emotional process and it becomes our natural set point. This has enormous ramifications for what we see as 'personality'.
Where patterns that become strengthened are negative ones, it leads us into poor health and lowered life satisfaction. Addictions are the most obvious examples of this. But we can change the way we act, just as we can change how we move and how strong we are.
We have the choice and unlimited power to change our lives. In fact, our choices really are bounded only by imagination. By recognizing why we act in the way we do now, we are able to see, moment by moment when we are reacting to situations in a way that is pushing us further away from our goals rather than responding in a way that will lead us closer to them.
Knowledge is power and by knowing the basis for our actions, by seeing the action taking place and knowing where we want to be going, we can change course and create a different path through the way we act instead of simply reacting.
Life is a choice. We have in our possession right now, the ability to begin living the life of our dreams. We just have to choose it!
*Referenced by Cliff Harvey ND(c), Dip.FIT, HbT
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Birth Control
There are many variations of natural birth control. The most effective methods teach women to chart the signs of fertility that ebb and flow with the natural hormonal changes of each menstrual cycle. There are two main approaches 1) the sympto-thermal approach where waking temperature and cervical mucus are charted, and 2) the mucus approach where only cervical mucus is charted.
It is helpful for women and their partners to know about the two most common methods:
1. Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) refers to a natural birth control method outside of a religious framework that supports the use of barrier methods (condom, diaphragm, and spermicide), emergency contraception, and abortion. Justisse is a Canadian developed variant of FAM that teaches both the mucus only and the sympto-thermal approaches.
2. Natural Family Planning (NFP) typically refers to natural birth control that is taught and practised within a religious framework, most commonly Catholic centred organizations. It does not support the use of barrier methods, emergency contraception, or abortion. Billings Ovulation Method teaches only mucus observations. Serena and Couple to Couple League methods are sympto-thermal NFP variants. The Creighton Model will teach both mucus only and sympto-thermal approaches.
Sympto-thermal teaches a woman how to observe, chart and interpret her waking temperature (basal body temperature or BBT) and cervical mucus to understand what days she is fertile and what days she is not fertile. She then knows when she is likely and when she is less likely to become pregnant from intercourse.
A woman who has a regular menstrual cycle will usually experience the following sequence of events:
- 3 to 7 days of menstruation
- several days where she does not feel or see mucus in her vagina or on her vulva
- several days of a ‘wet’ or ‘slippery’ sensation at her vulva or in the vagina where she sees and/or feels mucus, which becomes progressively more slippery, stretchy, and clear as ovulation approaches
- after ovulation her waking temperature rises, mucus disappears from the vulva, and the vulva and vagina feel “drier
Fertile days begin with the first sensation of mucus at the vulva and continue until both the mucus has dried up and the waking temperature has been high for 3 days in a row. With days of higher fertility and lower fertility determined, a woman can time intercourse to avoid or achieve pregnancy.
If a woman’s cycle does not follow a typical pattern, using natural birth control will be more difficult. However, she can still use natural birth control but she is advised to seek consultation with a trained FAM/NFP instructor in order to use the method most effectively. In general, FAM/NFP are not recommended for women with the following difficulties: irregular cycles, inability to interpret the fertility signs correctly, or persistent infections that affect the signs of fertility.
Cervical changes are a third fertility sign that a woman may find useful in determining her fertility. She checks for variations in the position, firmness and openness of the cervix that relate to fertile and infertile days.
In order to effectively use FAM/NFP a woman needs to accept responsibility for charting and interpreting her fertility on a day-to-day basis. The possibility of an unplanned pregnancy should not represent a devastating occurrence in order to use this method of family planning. As with all forms of birth control, motivation, intention, and cooperation between partners are the key to effective, successful use.
- Effective method of birth control
- Has no negative health side effects
- An alternative for women who cannot or do not want to use hormonal methods
- Promotes positive body awareness
- Consistent with many religious beliefs and lifestyles
- Alerts women to reproductive health and fertility concerns
- Fosters communication between partners
- Encourages partners to enjoy a variety of romantic or sexual activities as alternatives to vaginal intercourse during fertile periods
- Encourages male involvement
- Provides no protection from sexually transmitted infections
- Often difficult to find trained FAM/NFP instructors
- Requires time to learn (usually 3 to 6 cycles)
- Requires discipline and commitment to chart fertility signs and follow the rules to avoid pregnancy
- Times of abstinence from intercourse may be a challenge for some couples
::For more information about Fertility Awareness Methods and a listing of certified instructors throughout North America please visit Justisse (
Strauss, J., & Barbieri, R. (Eds.). (2004). Jen and Jaffe's reproductive endocrinology (5 ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Elsevier Saunders.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Lemonade Diet
The basic cause of disease is no longer a mystery. The basic cause is the habits of improper diet, inadequate exercise, negative mental attitudes, and lack of spiritual attunement which combine to produce toxic conditions and malfunction of our bodies. The elimination of the cause of illness is the obvious and only way to healing and health. The elimination of the habits that cause illness is done through the positive approach of developing proper habits that cause health combined with corrective techniques that remove the ill effects of our former incorrect ways.
The lemonade diet, has successfully and consistently demonstrated its eliminative and building ability. It may be used with complete safety for every known type of disease.
Lemons and limes are the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food or foods known to man, and they area available the year round. Thus the diet may be used successfully any month of the year and virtually any place on earth. Its universal appeal and availability make it pleasant and easy to use.
As a reducing diet it is superior in every way to any other system because it dissolves and eliminates all types of fatty tissue. Fat melts away at the rate of about two pounds a day for most persons - and without any harmful side effects.
All mucus diseases such as colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial troubles are rapidly dissolved and eliminated from the body, leaving the user free from the varied allergies which cause difficult breathing and clogging of the sinus cavities. Allergies exist as a result of accumulation of these toxins and they vanish as we cleanse our body. People who are over-weight often experience these difficulties, and the more they continue to eat the toxic fat-producing foods which cause this obesity, the more their ailments multiply.
People build strong, healthy bodies from the correct foods or they build diseased bodies from the incorrect foods.
- to dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body
- to cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system
- to purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body
- to eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles
- to relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels
- to build a healthy blood stream
- to keep youthful and elasticity regardless of our years
When To Use It
- when sickness has developed - for all acute and chronic conditions
- when the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing
- when overweight has become a problem
- when better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed
Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more - up to 40 days and beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times per year will do wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy conditions. The diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions.
2 Tbsp lemon or lime juice (approx 1/2 lemon)
2 Tbsp genuine maple syrup (not maple flavoured sugar syrup)
1/10 Tsp cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
Water, medium hot
Take from six to twelve glasses of the lemonade daily during the waking period. As you get hungry just have another glass of lemonade. No other food should be taken during the full period of the diet. As this is a complete balance of minerals and vitamins, one does not suffer the pangs of hunger.
:: The following diet is given solely as a suggestion; anyone who follows it does so voluntarily. Since each person naturally reacts differently, each individual must use his/her own judgement as to its use.
* Referenced by 'The Master Cleanser' - by Stanley Burroughs