From the beginning of time women have been cursed. Eve sinned along with Adam and both were cursed for disobedience. I read an article this author wrote that gives some deep perspective that I would like to share...
"Ever since man chose the way of sin (as all have, except Jesus Christ), men have not rightly respected women, not even their own wives (when married), and have instead ruled “over” women in a wrong manner that is authoritarian, controlling and demeaning (looking down as being lesser). This is what constitutes a large part of the curse upon women that has existed from the beginning. Over the centuries, even within the Church, that curse has only partially been lifted to the degree that individuals have repented of mistreatment of others and have truly sought to “change” self and become more God-like in character and thinking (in harmony with the truths and laws of God). But women have still been suppressed by being morally mistreated, demeaned, and held to an inferior state by men. And most sad of all, this has been perpetuated by husbands because of male ego, lust and pride."
"God is now starting the greater process (which only partially started in the Church over the centuries) of restoring the dignity and honor that He intended women should have from the beginning. This is part of the “healing” process that is prophesied to fill the earth in the Millennium, as Satan and his demons are removed from the presence of mankind, and as Jesus Christ receives rule of all the earth. This healing process is now beginning to be restored in God’s Church as we accelerate toward that new age for all mankind. In this context, this is the greater fulfillment of the prophecy that states, “And those from among you shall build the old waste places and you shall raise up the foundations of many generations, and you shall be called, ‘The repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in’” (Is. 58:12)...."
"...The liberation of all races and nationalities is rapidly approaching, and at the top of that list is the true liberation of women from the demeaning state in which they have been “ruled over.” This also produces a liberation for man that yields a more fulfilling and rewarding life, a greater unity and oneness with God, and the greater experience of what true masculinity was intended to be from the beginning."
Now this article has truly grabbed my attention so much that I've shared with close friends and discussed our views. We all know a woman that has been disrespected and under valued in a relationship and even marriage, all too well. Some of us have even grown up seeing it happen to our mothers. It's now become such common behavior that society have become desensitized to it. Within my circle, it's obviously a common denominator in marriages/relationships of some form or the other.
I have positioned my attitude so that my thoughts, my words and my actions will rebel from this "curse" and liberate my spirit to receive what's right and deserving. And I encourage all women to do the same. We need to step back onto our throne and teach men that should be Kings to act the same. We are beings of wisdom, teachers, holding the very essence of God to bring life. You see we are much more than a sexual desire, a pretty face. We contain the ability to carry unbelievable amounts of pressure upon our shoulders and continue on in life with a gentle smile. So why is it so hard to see this truth in a woman and appreciate her? I just believe this is part of our natural path of living, love and be loved. Period. And don't settle for anything less.
"Hurt people hurt people" ~ RevRunWisdom
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