The chakra system is a model of consciousness. Though we all understand the word, few can describe what it is. We know how to use it, alter it, enhance it or talk about it - but we cannot define it. One definition might be the structure that perceives, analyzes, stores, retrieves and creates information about any subject whatsoever, whether it is internal, external, real or imagined.
Energy, matter and consciousness intertwine to form all that we experience. Knowing the various components of the chakras allows us to achieve a greater understanding of ourselves.
Energy flows in 2 ways in the chakra system: vertically, as it passes through all the chakras, and horizontally, as it passes through each chakra. The vertical channel can be thought of as the basic source; the horizontal flow is the expression of that source.
What blocks a chakra? Generally speaking, programming from childhood experiences and cultural values cause our chakras to be blocked. A child who is physically beaten by his parents learns to shut out his body sensations. A child who is emotionally neglected shuts down the emotional second chakra. A culture that denies sexuality and promotes obedience to authority forces us to shut down our second and third chakras, accordingly. Noise pollution, unattractive surroundings or lies make us shut down our fifth, sixth and seventh chakras, respectively. The pain of unrequited love teaches us to close our hearts. Basically, past pain or stress, whatever its source, affects the healthy functioning of our chakras.
The chakras can be opened through various exercises, meditations, acupuncture points, biofeedback and general understanding. Opening chakras leads to a more profound state of consciousness. This state of consciousness is obtainable by anyone.
Chakra 1. Root, Base, or Earth Chakra. It's seated at the base of the spine. Its colour is Red. It's qualities are physical body, grounding, courage, stability and patience.
Chakra 2. Sacral Chakra. Located at the small of the back, upper lumbar. Its colour is Orange. Qualities include giving and receiving, sexual love, new ideas, harmony and creativity.
Chakra 3. Solar Plexus Chakra. Located above the navel, below the chest. Its colour is Yellow. Includes personal power, authority, energy, transformation, laughter, fear.
Chakra 4. Heart Chakra. Located in the centre of the chest. Its colour is Green. Qualities are devine unconditional love, forgiveness, balance, peace, acceptance.
Chakra 5. Throat Chakra. Located at throat area. Its colour is Blue. Qualities are communication, true creative expression.
Chakra 6. Third Eye or Brow Chakra. Located in centre of forehead between the eyebrows. Its colour is Indigo. Includes intuition, imagination, peace of mind, wisdom, intuitive centre.
Chakra 7. Crown Chakra. Located at top of the head. Its colours Violet, White. Includes Oneness with the universe, spiritual will, inspiration.
*Can-Fit-Pro NWS