Heart & Blood
- The Heart will beat, even if removed from the body, as long as it has food. Only the heart muscle can do this.
- Your heart beats over 100,000 times in a day.
- Your heart pumps 1,440 gallons of blood each day.
- Your blood travels over 170,000 miles in a day.
- There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in your body - a distance twice around the world! In each eye alone are about 80 miles of blood vessels if stretched out from end to end.
- Your blood contains 25-30 trillion red blood cells. Their combined surface would cover about 200 square feet.
Brain & Nerves
- You are born with all the brain cells you will ever have.
- The brain is composed of about 15 billion (15,000,000,000) powerful brain cells that are about 90% water.
- Humans use only a fraction (less than 1/10th) of their brain capacity.
- Each half of the brain controls the opposite side of the body.
- Your nervous system sends messages as fast as 185 miles per hour.
- Your brain & nerves cannot function without (neuro) Melanin.
- Over 600,000 skin cells would fit into an area the size of a postage stamp. The entire surface of the skin has about 7 million pores (perspiratory tubes), each about a 1/4 inch long. Laid out end to end, they'd extend 28 miles.
- The skin breathes like lungs, absorbing oxygen and exhaling carbonic acid gas and watery vapor.
- The skin excretes organic matter, toxins, and saline matter in solution, like the kidneys. The average amount of fluid waste discharged through the skin every 24 hours is about 2 pounds.
- In one square inch of skin are 625 sweat glands, 90 oil glands, 19 million cells, 19 feet of blood vessels, 19,000 sensory cells, 65 hairs... and millions of microscopic animals.
- Your organs are duplicated in each cell of your body.
- Your liver is a chemical factory and detoxifier which filters toxins at a rate of a quart of blood per minute. It regenerates its own tissue, even if 80% of its cells are damaged.
- As much as 500 gallons of blood pass through the kidneys each day to be filtered of waste. Your kidneys filter the body's entire volume of blood 60 times each day.
- Your ears enable you to keep your balance, plus hear.
Bones & Muscles
- Bones are blood factories, besides being a flesh-hanger. Bone marrow can produce 5 billion red blood cells a day.
- The human skeleton has 206 bones; over 50 in the hands.
- The skull appears to be one bone but really 29 separate bones fused together.
- 650 muscles cover the body. Over 200 are used when you walk. Smiling uses only 17 muscles but a frown uses 43.
Cells & Growth
- From the time of conception to adulthood, your body grows from one cell to one quadrillion cells (1,000,000,000,000,000).
- Blood is renewed at the rate of millions of cells per second.
- The stomach lining completely regenerates in a week, a healthy liver regenerates in 6 weeks, and the skin surface in a month.
- No cell in your body is over 2 years old! (except for your irreplaceable brain cells, and even with these - the atoms are continually being replaced).
- Every year over 96% of your body is completed replaced, even the structure of the DNA of your genes, reconstructed from the food you eat (or rather, the nutrients you assimilate).
- Each cell is a storehouse for some 5000 enzymes needed to implement chemical reactions.
- Each of your cells is responsible for supervising 1000 to 10,000 different chemical reactions.
- In the human body, some 6 trillion reactions occur every second and each of them is correlated with every other reaction.
Your body is a self-cleaning, self-healing, irreplaceable mechanism which deserves Nature's best! All you have to do is feed it properly, give it sunshine, exercise, avoid poisoning it, and stay out of its way. What is your body worth? ...Priceless!! So we must take care of our priceless body and it will take care of us!
"A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul: a sick body is a prison" ~ Francis Bacon Sr.
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