By achieving a strong mind-body connection, you will feel empowered to make better choices and lead a healthier life. Lasting changes and the reaching of goals result from: belief in oneself, belief in the ability to change and actually committing to actions that both change behavioural patterns and lead to real changes in one's very being.
Everything that we have ever been exposed to conditions us in some way. We condition ourselves into patterns of actions based upon all relationships that we have been exposed to over a lifetime (and not just with others but with the environment around us). This conditioning determines much of how we act and we can end up reacting to situations instead of responding in ways that will lead us closer to the life that we want to be living.
This repetition of acting trains us to act more and more in that fashion. We create neural networks and pathways associated with that thought/emotional process and it becomes our natural set point. This has enormous ramifications for what we see as 'personality'.
Where patterns that become strengthened are negative ones, it leads us into poor health and lowered life satisfaction. Addictions are the most obvious examples of this. But we can change the way we act, just as we can change how we move and how strong we are.
We have the choice and unlimited power to change our lives. In fact, our choices really are bounded only by imagination. By recognizing why we act in the way we do now, we are able to see, moment by moment when we are reacting to situations in a way that is pushing us further away from our goals rather than responding in a way that will lead us closer to them.
Knowledge is power and by knowing the basis for our actions, by seeing the action taking place and knowing where we want to be going, we can change course and create a different path through the way we act instead of simply reacting.
Life is a choice. We have in our possession right now, the ability to begin living the life of our dreams. We just have to choose it!
*Referenced by Cliff Harvey ND(c), Dip.FIT, HbT
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