- other than skin, the liver is the largest organ in the human body
- anything that you eat, breath or absorb through the skin, is processed through the liver
- after each heartbeat, 25% of the blood pumped is filtered through the liver
- without your liver, you would die within 24hrs
- those 500 functions I mentioned includes some making important substances as cholesterol, blood proteins, clotting proteins, lipoproteins
- blood filtration, bile production, the production and break down of hormones, regulation of blood sugar, and detoxification of endotoxins (produced internally) and exotoxins (environmental)
The livers role to detoxify the body is to take harmful toxins and change them into substances that can be safely eliminated from the body. Should toxins build up, the liver can become overloaded. Some symptoms of liver dysfunction can include;
- jaundice
- pale stools
- pain the right side
- depressed appetite
- loss of energy
- metallic taste in mouth
- skin problems
- chemical sensitivities
- allergies
Preventative care begins with improved lifestyle choices such as reducing body mass to a healthy range, regular exercises and living smoke free. Healthy eating it also key. Choosing more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and limit your cholesterol intake by reducing intake of saturated and trans fats. Also eating more fish like cod, tuna, halibut, salmon, mackerel and herring.
A liver cleanse is a great way to begin addressing needs for improvement and maintenance of the liver. Please consult a practitioner if you have any major health concerns before considering a cleanse.