Valentine was the bishop of Interamna during a period of oppression when Claudius II, Emperor of Rome had outlawed marriage in 270A.D. The emperor thought that married men would make bad soldiers as they would be reluctant to leave their families in case of a war. He also outlawed Christianity because he felt to be the one supreme God, Emperor of Rome and wanted to be praised as such.
Valentine disagreed with the Emperor's outlaws and believed them to be wrong. He believed people should be free to love God and marry. He invited young couples, and secretly performed services to marry and unite the couples. Valentine was eventually caught and brought before the Emperor in which he tried to persuade Valentine to leave Christianity and serve the Roman Empire and Roman Gods, and in exchange the Emperor would pardon Valentine and make him his alley. Valentine declined the offer, stood within his faith and did not renounce God. As a result the St. Valentine was sentenced to execution which would consist of being beaten, stoned, and finally decapitated. St. Valentine died on February 14, 270 A.D.
Do you believe this story to be true? Either way it inspires the fact for the freedom to love without condition, for love is of God. It begins from within. When we find love for ourselves first, we will experience Gods true love, and love for others.
Have a Happy and Wonderful Valentines Day!
I Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant.
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