Tuesday, January 4, 2011


A NEW year, a NEW month, and a NEW day. Most people, this time of year, have made lists of resolutions they will work to accomplish within the next twelve months. Some may even dig deeper and make their goals S.M.A.R.T (Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Time frame) to achieve a higher chance of accomplishing them. In the end the pressure of ending one calendar year to the beginning of another is inevitably gonna to cause this.

It is good to reflect and plan ahead, and it is also good to feel the freedom to do this any particular time of the year and not just because it's the "new year."

So I will continue living in gratitude now. Where I am right now, giving thanks. I will continue working on being a person with qualities that will help me grow and nurture what lies within. I will keep educated about things that contribute to a healthy mind, body and soul. I will focus on my energy, to give and receive positive energy. I will love my family and consider them first with my intentions. I will embrace and support my genuine friends. I will volunteer my time for helping others. Most importantly, I will pray and keep faith that my goals will be continuous and magnify to a higher platform as I grow.

I believe that my goals will lead to that weight loss challenge, financial freedom, a strong portfolio, a successful career, a beautiful house (and many property), a new vehicle, family vacations and all other wonderful things that put the frills on living the "dream". And that would be because I first looked within. xox

So what goals do you have? And why? Feel free to comment because I care and want to hear about you... plus I feel nauseous blabbing about myself.

Cheers to 2011! Let's make it count!

"Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner." ~Les Brown

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