What is heat stroke?
Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. It's when the body is exposed to an excessive amount of heat and cannot sweat or cool down. Within 10-15 minutes, body temperature can rise to 106 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If emergency treatment is not provided, heat stroke can cause premature disability or even death.
It is important to be aware of prevention to heat stroke, and identifying the symptoms.
Prevention is cure...
- keep hydrated with plenty of liquids (preferably water)
- avoid or minimize sweet, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages
- take frequent breaks in shaded areas
- wear a hat, lightweight clothing
- try avoiding the outdoors while the sun is at its peak
- stay indoors with a fan, air conditioning, or in the basement
The following symptoms of heat stroke may include the feeling of confusion, dizziness, throbbing headache with a temperature over 103 degrees. The person's skin can get red, hot, and also dry to the touch. They may also experience nausea or lose consciousness.
By treating heat stroke, get the person to a shaded area right away. Keep them cool by giving them sips of water, fanning them, wrapping them with a damp cloth or spraying their body with water. Try monitoring their body temperature with a thermometer if available, to lower temperature to at least 101 or 102 degrees. Call 911 immediately as they can assist with further direction or until medical help arrives.
As summertime is desirable for enjoying the summer weather, which you should, just be cautious and keep in mind to avoid becoming 'over heated'.