Thursday, September 23, 2010

positive thursday

"The imprint you will leave behind as VISIONARY in this universe will have nothing to do with your business card; it will have everything to do with your integrity." ~Mark Stoddart

Integrity: a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcomes...

Integrity will govern how you think, speak, and act. Integrity can be reflected in your dreams, goals and intention.
Your integrity matters.

Have a perfect Positive Thursday (((+)))

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wayne Dyer- Intention

Dream. Ask. Intent. Passion. We all have the ability to manifest greatness into our lives. This video is dedicated to those pursuing that greatness.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

positive thursday

"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage." -Maya Angelou

So beautifully put. Courage cannot be bought, borrowed or stolen. It's what you find deep in your truth. Each of us have courage within our truth. Go look, it's there.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Drink Lemonade

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"

It's almost effortless to be taken back when life "gives you lemons". To be left feeling caught off guard when things in life happens, when we are facing adversity. So what happens next? First thought usually is to try and figure out why this happened or even how. Then naturally we look for the indicators that may have led to this tragedy, maybe find someone to blame. Thinking of excuses why it couldn't be avoided, if you for a moment knew something wasn't right prior, leading to this end result. Before you realize it, you have fallen a victim to adversity. Consumed with feelings of sadness, anger and doubt, you get imprisoned with your emotions and are unable to focus on a plan to break free from it. We see it all the time where people fall a victim and wallow in the pain and hurt. They start to mourn the adversity, cry and bring people to mourn with them. These people lose sight of the opportunity they have to do something about it. They forget they have the ability to take charge and respond to this situation.

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it."

We can choose to see this adversity as an opportunity. An opportunity to enhance your skills and ability to a different approach if what you were tying had failed. An opportunity to re-evaluate your current situation and check to see if it was aligned with your goals, and your dreams. Just an opportunity to ask yourself.

The answer for what your next step will be lies within you. Once you can exclude the external noise of people and things that are distracting you from you. Get quiet and ask yourself. You'll soon realize what the opportunity is. You begin to focus on your goals and make a plan. You take responsibility for your life and realize just because this happened, doesn't mean nothing more than to remind you to stay focused. You have opened yourself to receive that opportunity and be enlightened. Your able to flow with life and its motions. You can transform your 90% response as your order to make list of what you truly want. Be reminded that with each adversity you may face, you can and will seek opportunity from it. This progressive energy you radiate will even help those other mourners to do the same. So be the change that you want to see and respond to your adversities with an open mind, be resilient. Life is precious, and time is too important to spend it on things that are dead. Learn to still give thanks no matter what. Praise and sing for whom you believe is the Creator of all things. Your faith will be the fuel to carry your goals and manifest into reality.

So cheers to a refreshing glass of lemonade, for what we go through are merely the growing pains of life.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Waking Up

@CamNatural -- Something in you is waking up to something more! Congrats! (by @crystalandrus)

Have you ever ran into someone that you haven't seen for a long time and they say something light to you that leaves you shaken to your core? Ever read a blog post, a Facebook status message, or a tweet and you feel that it's speaking directly to you? What about just spending time in a quiet place with no distractions around, and hearing the still voice of your inner being giving you answers to the questions you may have asked externally only to come up short of no solution. Have you?

I was scrolling through my Twitter timeline this morning and was able to have a brief connect with an inspiring professional who knows what she's talking about. She 'tweeted' to me, "Something in you is waking up to something more.." that little tweet left me with goosebumps. It addressed some concerns and thoughts I've been having about my future, especially after facing an adverse situation at work this past week. Another snippet and reminder that God will send people to give you a message that you need at the right moment. So I am thankful that I'm able to pay attention to those messages and be ok. I know that I am on the right path.

I am sharing this inspiring video (above) with you by Crystal Andrus, hope you enjoy :)


Thursday, September 9, 2010


‎"When you are royalty, you walk different. It ain't about being arrogant. It's about knowing who you are." ~ Rev. Trunell Felde

Ever seen Queen Victoria act the fool? No, she's seen confident, dignified and strong (just to name a few). Her very presence eludes royalty.. and that's just the British Monarchy. But, we carry the very essence of royalty inherited from a King above all Kings. If we truly believe that God is our Father, and we are his children, then why not consider ourselves of a royal family? We may not live in palaces, segregated from the general public, but we can walk with royal integrity. We can discover our true inheritance made up of the fabric of our Savior. I'm jus say'n.

Have a wonderful and blessed POSITIVE Thursday (((+)))!

Fundamentals of Yoga

YOGA is usually defined as "union". Put simply, this refers to the process of the mind-body integration. However, yoga is also the set of practices that yogis use to achieve this integration.

Yoga as Union
Yoga is the integration of mind and body. You can think of this as a two-part process of self-integration. Internally, it is the union of your own physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects. Yogis frequently refer to these as the four aspects of human self. Externally, it is your union with the rest of the universe.

Regardless of our philosophies of life or religion, most of us have had moments when everything becomes clear. For an instant, or more, you feel connected to everything and everything is o.k. We might call these moments of clarity, self-actualization, enlightenment or "aha" moments. They are moments of yoga. The actual practice of yoga exist to promote these experiences.

When you focus effort on mind-body integration, you acquire benefits such as..

It's good for your physical health

  • Practically every one of your body's systems grows stronger from bringing mind and body together

It's good for your mental and emotional health

  • You'll gain better understanding of yourself and you'll decrease your stress level

Your relationships will improve

  • It's easier to deal with those difficult situations when you've got a better handle on what's going on inside you

Peace of mind will help you find your way in the world

  • We all wonder sometimes if we're doing all we can with our lives. Unfortunately, there's no final answer, but easing doubts and worries for a few moments here and there can truly help you find direction

Here's what some people had to say..

Yoga teaches us to cure what need not endure and endure what cannot be cured. ~ B.K.S Iyengar

Sun salutations can energize and warm you, even on the darkest, coldest winter day. ~ Carol Krucoff

When the breath wanders the mind is also unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath. ~ Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. ~ Patanjali, translated from Sanskrit

So consider striking a 'sun salutation' and smile. Embrace the possibilities you can be offered.