The carbon footprint is a way to measure the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, like carbon dioxide. Ultimately, it is a useful way for people to conceptualize their impact in contributing to global warming.
We have to take the time to think about ways to lighten our carbon footprint and preserve our planet from further damage. Our generations after us are inheriting mother Earth and need to enjoy it in its most natural form. There's a lapse between awareness and action. People will know what they should be doing, but they just don't do it, either because they are waiting for more information, trying to get their minds in the right place to commit, or have excuses as to why they'll wait until Monday, or after the holidays, or until some other vaguely reasons rather then begin making changes in their lives. But the state of the planet is now at a tipping point. The world is in crisis, and there are no excuses to sit on the sidelines anymore. Our current choices and behaviors are warming this planet, and you can do something now to have a significant impact on cutting your carbon footprint. THINK ABOUT THIS.
Put plan into action, take accountability for your personal footprint and live green. Some steps listed below to cut down your carbon footprint:
- become a sustainable shopper and use a cloth grocery bag when shopping. If you purchase few items opt to carry them in your personal bag instead of buying a plastic bag. Consider transportation and distance used for shopping when your items can also be conveniently sold in one general area, instead of traveling to get to a store that has that one item for sale.
- reduce, reuse, reuse, reuse some more... then recycle
- remove unused cords from the electrical socket and turn lights off when leaving the room
- make sure your appliances are energy efficient ho hum, sounds boring right? One of the biggest hotspot to determine a person's personal "footprint" is that household food storage and preparation account for 25-30% of the total carbon load of that food.
- eliminate overprocessed, overpackaged, oversized, nutritionally empty foods that are currently hogging up space in your fridge, pantry, and daily food jaunts. Replace these with sustainable, fresh whole, delicious foods that are much healthier for you and the planet. This will clear out a bunch of unnecessarily calories that are keeping you from moving towards ur personal best health.
It's not difficult to incorporate this ideas into practice. These steps can leave a lasting impact that you will benefit from immediately and consistently, and will impact others positively. Ready. Go!