Bee pollen contains an incredible array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, co-enzymes, and hormones. It is especially rich in B vitamins and antioxidants, including lycopene, selenium, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and several flavanoids. It is composed of 55% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 3% vitamins and minerals, 2% fatty acids, and 5% other substances. Overall, it's one of the most nutritionally complete natural substances found on earth.
When you first start taking bee pollen you may feel a significant increase in your energy right away, definitely within a week or so. Over time the consistent use of pollen will improve your energy, stamina, and endurance. You'll also probably notice a greater feeling of general well-being. Over the long-term, regular consumption of bee pollen will help alleviate many different health problems, slow down the aging process, and improve your quality of life.
Bee pollen has been shown to help people:
- lose weight
- increase energy, vitality and stamina
- enhance the immune system
- relieve allergy and asthma symptoms
- improve sexual function
- correct digestion problems
- slow the aging process
- prevent cancer and other diseases
Bee pollen is one of nature’s healthiest and most powerful “superfoods.” It’s been used as a dietary supplement for thousands of years. The early Egyptian and early Chinese civilizations both used it as a physical rejuvenator and medicine. The Greek physician Hippocrates, recognized as the father of modern medicine, used pollen as a healing substance over 2,500 years ago. Today natural health practitioners often refer to bee pollen as an herbal “fountain of youth” that can be used for everything from weight loss to cancer prevention. It may be nature's most perfect food...
"The conservation of our natural resources and their proper use constitute the fundamental problem which underlies almost every other problem of our national life." ~Theodore Roosevelt