Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gray hair already?!

Is it true that if you pluck one gray hair, two more will appear in that same spot? Well, I can say that's happened to me...I just couldn't understand why I was starting to see gray curly strans sitting there, chilling, on the top of my head...I mean in my 50's, sure I can agree it's natural to happen, but I'm not 50!!! And I know I'm not alone here, there's some people out there that are sailing with me on the same boat.

So what is gray hair anyway? Everybody is different but the pigment of our hair is generated in the same way. Initially, hair is white. The cells in our hair follicles called “Melanocytes” generate pigments the main one being Melanin. This gives our hair its “Colour”. In general, the more melanin present, the darker the hair colour; the less melanin, the lighter the hair colour.
When these Melanocytes stop producing the pigment the result is a transparent hair. The transparent hair against your healthier darker hair gives the appearance of Gray hair. In reality the hair is not Gray but transparent. Some people start to gray in their early 20's or 30's; this is called premature graying. Heredity plays a major role in premature graying, if your mother or father had gray hair at a young age, than chances are you will too.

What else can cause gray hair?

  • Thyroid disorders. Conditions such as Grave's disease, Hashimoto's disease, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism have been linked with premature gray hair.

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. It can be due to a diet low in vitamin B12. It can also occur if the stomach can't absorb vitamin B12.

  • Vitiligo. A condition in which your skin loses melanocytes, resulting in very light patches of skin and possibly premature gray hair.

  • Early menopause

  • Smoking. Cigarette smoking has been linked to premature gray hair.

I also believe it to be a symptom of undergoing a weight of stress.

In traditional Chinese Medicine, premature gray hair reflects an underlying disturbance. Hair represents the quality of blood and strength of the kidneys.

Foods that are thought to strengthen the blood and kidneys are:

  • Hijiki seaweed

  • Blackstrap molasses

  • Black sesame seeds

  • Nettles

  • Wheat grass

  • Chlorophyll

Keep in mind though that consuming excessive amounts of these foods is not recommended. For example, excessive amounts of iodine (from seaweed) may increase the risk of developing thyroid problems, which itself is a cause of premature gray hair.

We should all embrace not try to erase, and recognize this as a sign of experience and wisdom :)

"Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life"

(Prov 16:31)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chemtrails and You

A friend of mine once described chemtrails to me, and the governments conspiracy plot for population control. Than, this video arrives in my inbox from someone else making me realize that this is something worth paying attention to without further delay. Apparently this is happening right now, globally!

So I'm sharing with you all that are not yet aware...

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


We've been made to believe that vaccination is important for our children right from the beginning of their tender young lives. "Protection from what"?! I wish I had questioned doctors before ever considering to vaccinate my son when he was I am aware of the dangerous side effects vaccinations can cause.
We are now living in an era where we are coming under attack with the H1N1 virus and means for vaccination to "prevent it". Is this the true solution for preventative care? Will you consider vaccination for the H1N1 virus for yourself and family? Please watch these videos before deciding, and become aware! You have the right to empower yourself with the information so freely provided!

Just simply right click on each link to open a new window and watch...

"Learning is not compulsory...neither is survival"
- W.Edwards Deming

Monday, September 14, 2009

Energy Concepts

The chakra system is a model of consciousness. Though we all understand the word, few can describe what it is. We know how to use it, alter it, enhance it or talk about it - but we cannot define it. One definition might be the structure that perceives, analyzes, stores, retrieves and creates information about any subject whatsoever, whether it is internal, external, real or imagined.

Energy, matter and consciousness intertwine to form all that we experience. Knowing the various components of the chakras allows us to achieve a greater understanding of ourselves.

Energy flows in 2 ways in the chakra system: vertically, as it passes through all the chakras, and horizontally, as it passes through each chakra. The vertical channel can be thought of as the basic source; the horizontal flow is the expression of that source.

What blocks a chakra? Generally speaking, programming from childhood experiences and cultural values cause our chakras to be blocked. A child who is physically beaten by his parents learns to shut out his body sensations. A child who is emotionally neglected shuts down the emotional second chakra. A culture that denies sexuality and promotes obedience to authority forces us to shut down our second and third chakras, accordingly. Noise pollution, unattractive surroundings or lies make us shut down our fifth, sixth and seventh chakras, respectively. The pain of unrequited love teaches us to close our hearts. Basically, past pain or stress, whatever its source, affects the healthy functioning of our chakras.

The chakras can be opened through various exercises, meditations, acupuncture points, biofeedback and general understanding. Opening chakras leads to a more profound state of consciousness. This state of consciousness is obtainable by anyone.

Chakra 1. Root, Base, or Earth Chakra. It's seated at the base of the spine. Its colour is Red. It's qualities are physical body, grounding, courage, stability and patience.

Chakra 2. Sacral Chakra. Located at the small of the back, upper lumbar. Its colour is Orange. Qualities include giving and receiving, sexual love, new ideas, harmony and creativity.

Chakra 3. Solar Plexus Chakra. Located above the navel, below the chest. Its colour is Yellow. Includes personal power, authority, energy, transformation, laughter, fear.

Chakra 4. Heart Chakra. Located in the centre of the chest. Its colour is Green. Qualities are devine unconditional love, forgiveness, balance, peace, acceptance.

Chakra 5. Throat Chakra. Located at throat area. Its colour is Blue. Qualities are communication, true creative expression.

Chakra 6. Third Eye or Brow Chakra. Located in centre of forehead between the eyebrows. Its colour is Indigo. Includes intuition, imagination, peace of mind, wisdom, intuitive centre.

Chakra 7. Crown Chakra. Located at top of the head. Its colours Violet, White. Includes Oneness with the universe, spiritual will, inspiration.

*Can-Fit-Pro NWS

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Probiotic Care

There are over 500 different types of bacteria in the digestive system; the two most prevalent are Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium.
Bifidobacterium are the most prevalent bacteria in the large intestine, while Lactobacilli are the most prevalent in the small intestine. As we age, studies show that our levels of Bifidobacterium decline, while harmful pathogenic bacteria increase. This is one of the main reasons that
intestinal ailments increase as we age.

Did you know!!!
  • That 80% of your immune system is located in your digestive system!
  • Beneficial bacteria help the body to produce vitamins, digest foods, and control overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungus and keep your immune system strong?
  • That there are two types of probiotics?
    Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They re-establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body's intestinal flora (beneficial bacterial balance).
    Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables or take supplements.
    They provide numerous health benefits as they pass through the digestive tract.

Renew Life's Ultimate Flora Critical Care is a 50 billion culture, 10 strain probiotic formula designed for treating chronic intestinal ailments in both the small and large intestine. Ultimate Flora Critical Care contains therapeutic levels of both Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium, making it the most complete and effective probiotic supplement on the market. Renew Life also carries FloraSMART Extra Strength (6Billion Bateria), and FloraSMART (2 Billion Bateria).

These and other Renew Life products can be found at your local Health Food store, or visit at