Saturday, April 10, 2010

Six Steps to Good Health - Step Five

Whole Body Cleanse – In step 3 you cleansed your elimination organs and rid your body of parasites. However, toxins can be stored in the form of fat throughout your body. Healing crisis provides a good metaphor of how your body works in this regard. Whole Body Detox provides background information on ways to eliminate these toxins will help you continue your path to good health.

A. Master Cleanse – depriving your body of food over a short period of a few days allows your body to cleanse itself. Not burdened with the process of digestion, your body can focus on cleansing itself. As fat deposits are broken down, toxins are released and eliminated. This process can be accelerated by consuming either specific juices or fasting solutions that help promote cleansing and healing. Fasting and the Juice Fast provides you with additional background information and details on how to administer a pure fast, a monofoods fast and a juice fast. Undergo a fast at least once per year, to stay on the path to good health.

B. Hyperthermia – elevating your body temperature helps increase your metabolism and accelerates your body’s natural internal cleansing processes. Hyperthermia gives you guidelines on using heat to help you achieve good health. Use them to administer these techniques as often as you can.

C. Oxygen Therapy – oxygen is a powerful cleansing process. Learn about using oxygen to help cleanse your body of toxins.

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